Chaos Attraction

Done Early

2003-01-15, 6:11 p.m.

Hill's at work tonight, thank God. She finally got to go out of the house! I have some private time to do the laundry!

It sounds snotty, but I don't mean it that way. I've just been feeling like I want some time to myself, and haven't gotten it.

Anyway, today was kind of a sad day. The two temps at my work had their last day today, which was a bummer. Especially since neither of them has been able to find a job yet (as usual in this day and age) and it feels like we're abandoning them to the wolves or something. Okay, not really, there just isn't enough left for four people to do right now, but still.

Today was the monthly birthday celebration foodfest, and after the birthday stuff had gone on my boss showed up and gave us all cards/thank you notes. Why? Because for the first time ever, all the fall work AND the winter work was done this early in the year. I was utterly flabbergasted.

Let me explain that one: When I first started working there in February, there were enormous piles of papers from the fall, and a little bitty bit from winter. We spent four months just doing the fall papers. This year, close to the same time, and there's NOTHING LEFT?! Damn. Presumably this also means that my boss won't be needing to hire temps again next month either. Bummer for these two, especially since I told them they could just reapply again... guess I was wrong.

Anyway, my boss gave me a $10 gift certificate to the school bookstore, so I was happy about that. Yay freebies.

One has to wonder about what's going to happen in the future. If they're not going to be hiring temps, and four people already left this year and most weren't replaced, how much more cutting can they do? Would that be a good thing that so many are already gone because then they'd leave my department alone? Or is that a bad thing because they still have to cut, cut, cut and there's hardly anyone other than me left to cut?

Though from what I hear, they can people who have been there the shortest, and I've been there almost a year and some new people were hired in another area, so maybe I wouldn't be first out. Plus I'm the cheapest one here :P Who knows. I wonder how long it'll take them to decide who to get rid of.

I'm already tired of rethinking the issue over and over and over and over again in my head. And it's only January.

I'm tired of being in a bad mood. I've mostly been in an incredibly cranky mood for days now. Other than er, certain times with the boy that I'm not mentioning here, I have generally been whiny and negative and depressed and grumpy and worried as all hell. I'd rather have some good times for a change. Hell, today's been the most cheerful day I've had lately, and look what went on during it :P

I need some kind of positive change in my life. Or at least things finally going in a direction where I don't have to constantly fret and worry about them any more. Sadly, I don't see this happening any time soon.

But who knows. Dave's got a second interview at the office joint on Friday- basically they talk, do quickie training, and see how he does. We'll see how it goes...

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