Chaos Attraction

Scenes From Christmas

2006-12-26, 10:33 p.m.

I am proud of Mom getting me books this year, that were even on my list! Huzzah! Knitting books too. Yay!

Also, a few clothes, slippers, stuff like that. Jewelry from the PITA side of the family, possum/merino gloves from New Zealand and a funky jean purse from the non-PITA side. Not a bad haul.

The dogs managed to utterly shred their new toys all over the living room, not to mention get in a three-way tug-of-war. Then they all collapsed.

Also, one of my cousins got The Devil Wears Prada, which led to a discussion of bad bosses. I'll leave these untagged with names just in case.

"I work with this guy who keeps telling me I'm weak because I'm female. Well, karma got him, because he got mugged and smacked across the face and broke his cheekbone."

"My boss is so high up in $cientology that he's supposed to be able to cleanse himself of thetans really quickly every day. It takes him two hours in the morning to do that, and he's the most stressed man I know."

Mom left to go back to see Dad around 12:30ish.

I feel guilty as shit. And followed her out to the car and ah, cried while saying so. I hate crying.

She said she wanted me to have a good Christmas (I think "for me" was implied) and that Dad probably didn't even know it was Christmas anyway.

At the moment, we are all watching Little Miss Sunshine. I feel bad that Mom's not here to see it too.

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