Chaos Attraction

It's a 21st Birthday

2023-01-05, 2:14 p.m.

After work I went to Rae's birthday party, which was a 21st but at her mom's house so no drinkies (it will be interesting to see if she tries to order alcohol in the future, I asked and so far she's still only interested in nonalcoholic beer). I was only there for an hour-ish because of rehearsal so I missed dinner, but I did wear a rainbow/unicorn outfit upon request and we had a living room dance party.

I will note (as did Rae) that clearly some kind of Chaos Magnet was going off during the night:
* Debbie accidentally set some piece of plastic too near the flame burner and set it on fire .
* This was immediately followed by Rae knocking a glass onto the floor and it shattered.
* About 5-10 minutes later, this was followed by Rae knocking over a vase with water in it.

Ashley's response to this: "It's a real 21st birthday, glasses were broken, things were set on fire."

And finally, after I left, Ashley texted me to say she briefly passed out and Rae caught her. Me: "So, the drama continued with someone passing out at a 21st birthday?!" (Rae's response to this the next day: "I'm a superhero.")

Seriously, there's spills, there's fire, there's passing out...and no alcohol to even initiate it all!

Rae cried (albeit without tears, thank goodness, that would have messed up her rainbow makeup job) of happiness when she opened my gifts--a stuffed Darth Vader and the handmade Loki I made last year but finished way too late for her birthday. So that's a yay there.

Her mom Debbie gave me a gift certificate to a NEW BOOKSTORE in Woodland, which sounds lovely. I was quite excited and then I looked up their hours online...they are only open Tuesdays through Fridays till 6 p.m. Well, so much for shopping THERE, the only days I get off are Mondays and whoever's running this shop must only be catering to retirees :/ Debbie and I talked about going together, but hell if I know when that would be (she works Thursdays/Fridays out of town). BLEAH....I guess I'll have to make a mad dash there directly after work on a Tuesday if I don't go to karaoke, texted Debbie this but so far no response.

Rehearsal went well, I was short on one cue (ugh) but otherwise went fine. I think one of the ensemble members was out for some reason (or at least nobody said anything so hopefully it ain't covid). Shorthaired Sarah was back, so I feel like I finally got to see the show "in full," see her doing the gorilla number, etc. Chris (Cliff) had a mask on and sounds like he has...something...but feels fine? I have no idea any more.


Kimmie, out of nowhere, "I told them no, you don't want to be circumsized. Don't ask, you don't want to know."

She then proceeded to tell me and Omar a story about how when she and Brian were dating/shacking up, some girl he'd dated three times ("they called her the psycho," sounds like this lady was a stalker) was apparently following Kimmie around at one of Brian's karaoke gigs and telling her about their great love story. Kimmie finally had enough of this and I guess the "get her AWAY" eyes weren't working, so she asked the lady what it was like to have sex with an uncircumsized guy. "Oh, it was GREAT...." Kimmie was all, "Really? Because Brian's not circumsized." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Kimmie was parking herself at a Kit Kat Klub table while waiting for Steve to situate before the show: On someone on cold meds: "She's on some good stuff and she's going to share it with us." "I'm gonna have a cigarette and a beer while waiting." "Everyone pretend this is a really ongoing opening speech."

(Me: "If he keeps this up, I'm gonna finish a sweater.")

Laurie, house manager, watching the show tonight, to the question of "What is Steve DOING?" "He's doing the thing with the thing...."

Kimmie: "I'm trying to get a date." Laurie: "Don't tell Brian!" (I note Brian was in the building.)

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