Chaos Attraction

The Show Won't Go On

2022-01-15, 6:02 p.m.

Today: I spent the morning having a chill time reading in bed, watching a Stephen Sondheim memorial concert, making omelets, whatever.

Then Scott texted me to say the shows for the weekend are canceled. Boris the musical director got it. "He is feeling OK, but better safe than sorry." (Boris himself said "minor congestion.") He was only in contact with the orchestra and masked the entire time, but it was suggested if anyone was in contact with him to get tested ASAP. Last night I briefly walked by while Boris was coming out of the orchestra pit. That was it. He was masked, I had on N95 and then the surgical one for the show over that, so I am not actually worried about myself for that specific contact, but scheduled yet another test for five days from now anyway.

I said it'd be nice if the show would shift their performance schedule back a few weeks so we could finish this run (I note they brought Camelot back) and Scott said that might screw with Urinetown set building. I said "you ask him about pushing it back, it might come better from you than me," and Scott said he was going to ask Steve about dressing room cleaning this weekend and if there could be makeups. (Answer: no.)

Scott also said Sabrina was exposed at work but masked so "we got lucky there" and I said last night Alexis said she felt like crap but forgot to take her allergy meds, which...well, if anyone got sick last night I'd have assumed it'd be her. He said "she was really hot last night ,so that could've been a red flag," and I said how hot, like she had a fever when you touched her or was just saying she was hot? (I note he briefly lifts her in one number.) He said she was just fanning herself a lot early in the show, but it was just hot backstage for him too, and I said yeah, everyone thought it was kind of warm last night as opposed to it being too cold last weekend Scott said he wasn't in contact with Boris and should be fine. I said I'm surprised it wasn't one of the actors given the conversations we were having in the dressing room and I'm glad I made Other Jennifer turn on the HEPA filter last night.

I assume at this point we're never coming back to do the rest of the show. It's just too likely actors start coming down with it at this point. It's a shame. I feel bad for everyone who said they were having people come later--Danny was all "I had 15 coming, how do we reschedule?" and Scott said none of his had come yet because he sucks at self-promotion. I guess us getting to do 4 was better than you'd expect to have happen these days. No idea how that'll affect any Urinetown rehearsals in the future at the moment, no schedule up for that yet.

Yesterday Dawn wanted me to accompany her over to go pick up stuff at someone else's house, and I said no because that person has had cancer and I don't think having me, Walking Danger Zone, as a surprise guest is a good idea. Dawn wanted to come over anyway to drop off the Camelot CD and of course she texts me that she's leaving right as I find out about the show. So she stayed distant and masked at the door, we exchanged stuff (I got her some horse and state park calendars) and it was pretty brief. She said Janine just left the stuff on her doorstep anyway. Also that Dawn's niece Cindy, who is another well, walking disaster/drama person, had moved in with some guy after her home burned down. The guy had bleeding ulcers and Covid, checked himself out of the hospital, went home and died. So now Cindy has lost another dude (her husband died), and presumably home, and now probably has Covid. Life of Cindy, again.

I was going to go walk around outside today, but...never bloody mind that. Or doing anything else this weekend, really. Drinking and crocheting at home again.

Ashley called--she went out for the first time and felt very weirded out and unsafe when she saw dicknosers outside. Also a direct quote from her: "I got it and whatever," Hahahah. She was knitting/talking/playing poker/watching Grey's Anatomy at the same time and I was all "that is also how I live my life." Her sister came to visit today, so good for her there. We discussed karaoke--I said I'd go with a mask on but I don't know how to handle the "it's a restaurant and you have to order food and take the mask off to eat indoors" issue, she said she didn't know either. I may just not go for awhile until it's less bad out there.

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