Chaos Attraction

Urinetown Begins

2022-01-16, 6:03 p.m.

Today: stayed in bed till nearly noon, went grocery shopping, crocheted, watched Schmigadoon and Ted Lasso. Mom called and was all angsty about two things: (a) she was going to sell our old van and after months of this crap dragging out, the seller backed out, and (b) she's freaking out about going back to work tomorrow. She won't be able to shack up with Roger during the week any more--"he doesn't want to be woken up at 6:30," legit--and she's not sure if she can still do the job after 2 years, new phone system, etc. I asked if she had a good enough mask and she said Roger ordered some but they wouldn't be there until Monday (to which I was all hahahahah, mail no, probably not), and I said go to Home Depot and then she started yelling at me that she couldn't worry about anything else right now. Also, I told her about getting into Urinetown and she said she won't go. I said "I didn't think you would." Later she asked if I could go see the Harry Potter play next weekend and I said I don't know if the show will go on yet next weekend or not so I can't commit to that. Sigh.


Had the first rehearsal for Urinetown tonight--read through. It's very funny. Super dark, but very funny.

I didn't find out much about whether or not The Producers will run next weekend or not, other than the entire orchestra has to test and Boris was pretty much crying when he broke the news. Sarah (lights) said she's had two scares this week and she'd just passed the first one and then well, found out about this one and she'd gone down into the pit on Friday. Sigh. Steve: "Everyone on this planet will probably get it within a year." Me: "I'm surprised I haven't gotten it in the first half of January."

Steve: "Can you do an American accent?" Paul, an English fellow cast as Bobby: "I can try." Steve: "Watch a lot of shows about Nebraska."

Paul: "I've just started CrossFit, which is stupid..."

Apparently Ed has the same name as some credit card fraudster, which Steve discovered online. Since Ed's name is rather distinctive, that's a pretty odd coincidence. Ed: "Needless to say I am not a credit card fraudster..." Later when asked what his hobby was, Morgan suggested "committing fraud?"

Jean (costumes): "There will be a box of dirt involved in this show." Jean on how she got into this business: she auditioned for Brigadoon and "I admitted I could sew. That was my first mistake." Later she said she heard Jan say "and this is Jean, she runs our costume shop" and I was all "and this was news to you?"

Marie: "This is my third time dying in Urinetown. Everyone dies. Spoiler." Tomas: "I get beaten to death!"

Steve to Hugo and Morgan: "Do not break up during the show."

Evan. "I've been doing shows here for a few months now. I don't know what Urinetown's about. My dad said I can't do it because it's anticapitalist..." Also, "What's this show about? I'm so excited."

Sofia, she of the large cast on one foot: "I am playing Little Becky One Shoe..."

Kyle: "I am a wee bit familiar with this show..." The joke took awhile to make it around the room.

James, who is.....I'm guessing transgender/nonbinary/something like that (using the name James, wearing a skirt, I'm not sure what gender the character of Senator Fipp is anyway, especially given what it says in the script), had this whole spiel about "don't tell my parents I am in this show, they're gonna be all "who's this James with our last name?" One gets the impression that James's parents have no idea on their gender identity. They will not be going to the show. At one point Senator Fipp says something about when they were a good girl in the past and James was all "Believe me, the implications of this are not lost on me." LOL.

Steve: "Whatever else my sick mind can come up with. I want to have a barricade of toilets." And a TP flag a la Les Mis. He said in the last show (2013) Bobby and his mother were doing Gangnam Style. "I may have them do it again and hold up a sign." And also a "bottle dance" with toilet paper rolls. When Bobby appears as a ghost, Kimmie will have to come out, spray him with spray fog "with the most bored expression on her face, look at her watch and leave."

"Can we actually hit them on the head? I'm down." -Morgan

"My wife, Jan. Who makes me look good. Not in the way I'm dressed." -Steve

"I am 18 years old. I don't have a Facebook!" -James

Steve, talking about his "hobby" being politics: "I scream into my phone." Jean: "And I'm sure the neighbors really appreciate it."

Sierra (Hope) is two years older than Morgan, playing her mom.

"If you're crawling on the floor without underwear, that's your problem." -Jean

Steve is insisting that Hugo do quote fingers in this show even though Steve normally doesn't like that sort of thing. "Take the punctuation tongue firmly in the cheek." Also, "Everybody knows I hate air quotes. But in this one, the more the better."

Steve: "Everyone's doing the pee pee dance."

Steve: "A lot of people won't see it because of the title. And that's their loss." Also, "I don't think anyone's going to see this."

Steve: "McQueen is a predator." Evan (playing McQueen): "Eww!" Steve: "They are all not nice people. And they all die."

Caldwell B. Cladwell is still not cast (sigh), so Kyle was reading it, brilliantly. "So can you play piano and be on stage?" -Steve

After Hugo reads "Mr. Cladwell" instead of "Ms." Tomas: "Going after Mr. Cladwell now, ok."

"This had to be written at 3 in the morning." -Steve

Sierra, reading Hope: "My father was a tyrant!" Evan, improvising: "All right."

Ensemble is in almost everything, so I guess we're in rehearsals every night.

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