Chaos Attraction

Naked, Oiled, and Ready!

2003-01-28, 7:47 p.m.

Well, not much to say in this entry, yet I feel like updating anyway. So of course I had to put an incredibly dirty title on the thing so that people might read it... wait, there's nakedness and oil mentioned later on! Really!

Spent Sunday detoxing and watching the SuperBowl for the commercials, which I know Kismet doesn't get. Basically, the only reason I do it is the same reason that I'll watch those "World's Funniest Commercials" specials on TV. For once, I'm not seeing total dreck on my screen. And given how the game went, the commercials and halftime show were the best parts anyway. It was a lazy vegging day, which I could use. Maybe I could use more of those, I dunno. I guess I'll get them with the every-other-week schedule now.

TV is being more interesting to me lately now that the hilarious crapfest that is Joe Millionaire is now on. It lightens my day like no other to cackle at the show. I also watched Bridezillas, which alas, was not nearly as hilarious. But hey, it still beats watching the State (applaud!) of (all hail!) the (clapclapclapclapclap!) Union (all worship the Dubya!) address.

Yeah, for once in my life, I don't seem to have anything majorly soap-opera going on for two days in a row. Go figure.

I did, however, have a big spending spree today (blush). I am a bit ashamed, since I'd been doing so well. However, I was trying to think of something to do for our anniversary and/or Valentine's Day. We're only doing one present for the two holidays since they're two weeks apart anyway, but I did NOT want to make him cookies the way that everyone including Jackie, my mom, and Dave himself has been suggesting. Not only do I mentally plotz at the idea of someone else eating my food (and how would I transport them safely via 3 busses and a train?), I know that with the pressure I'd end up charbroiling them.

When I was doing the stocking stuffer gift for Dave for Christmas, one of the stuffers was a mini-Massage for Dummies. He said it would be good to have the real version. Well, I went looking for that today and didn't find it. However, I found a cheaper, big-naked-picture massage book instead...heheh. Too bad he called when I was about to get it and guessed what I'd gotten. Our minds work too alike on that one.

I also ended up getting this month's Bitch and a personal finance book for dingbat 20somethings. Expensive, but worth the money there.

Then I hit Bath and Body Works to see if I could find some massage oil/lotion/whatever without alcohol in it. The place I normally get that stuff from unfortunately has alcohol in it, which Dave's weirdly allergic to when it's on the skin. (Ruins the mood to have him get up, yelling "It's BURNING!" five minutes after application.) Sadly, they cost beaucoup bucks. I was debating between the lotion ($12, lovely) and the soothing oil ($20, really lovely). The lotion had alcohol in it, but it was listed in the bottom fourth of the ingredients list, while the oil had none at all. I also checked the small ($5) bottles of massage oil, which also had no alcohol, but the salesgirl said felt rather goopy and had to be washed off.

See, I totally shouldn't ask the salespeople for help in a store. (Even if I didn't know what I was looking for and we were the only ones in there.) Because then we end up bonding and gossiping and sharing details and whatnot, and then suddenly I find myself buying the $20 oil so I can get the $5 kind for free, when I had been determined to only get the lotion. I'm a sucker. *slurp*

Oh well, at least the present question is taken care of. Now I'm left with deciding whether or not to give him it for the anniversary (he's giving me mine on Valentine's after his paycheck comes in) or for V-Day, or to give him the whole shebang early and use it twice (hubba hubba)... Decisions, decisions.

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