Chaos Attraction

I Want To See The Peepee

2022-02-20, 5:49 p.m.

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Too Stupid To Google - 2022-02-24
We Have Cootie Spray - 2022-02-23
Not Passing Bechdel - 2022-02-22
Continued.... - 2022-02-21
Request to the Universe - 2022-02-21


Cast list as of November 2019

I spent most of the day (approximately 10-2:35) on Zoom with the old collage club gang, most of whom got off pretty early but had a nice hangout anyway crafting. Did tell them about being in the show and possible upcoming auditions and the like. Did tell Meg that I'm resolved to well, stick with the whole thing and still care about Scott even if it never goes anywhere, which she liked. Who knows how that's going to go, but "being loved is very attractive," she still says, as well as "if he's doing a show, you should do that show." She also seems to think it's cute that when I tried to give him normal gifts, he already had them.

We discussed how her other kid and his wife/family want to move to this town, and it sounds like Meg kind of wants to kick Doreen out so that the family can move into there next year, and Meg is annoyed that Doreen hasn't tried to move yet. I pointed out that you said it took forever for her to move the last time and you had to help her, so why would it be different this time? She hasn't found somewhere she wants to move to yet, so it's gonna end up being stick rather than carrot on this one, and she probably needs to be helped with that--I say that as a slow learner.

A thought I had: they go on about manifestation and positive thinking and the like (Jade is convinced that thinking "I don't want a puppy" was telling the universe "I want a puppy." Me: "Couldn't you just say, I want a dog that's 2-3 years old?" "I though the puppy part louder."), and how my therapist pointed out that when I say I'm never going to do something I end up doing it (right, remember when I said I wasn't going to give him any more gifts...sigh)...maybe for me, it's my usual "power of opposite thinking" thing, and me saying no really means a yes?

(On a weird related note that I did not tell Meg, I dreamed that her other son was my age, getting a divorce, had a different name and was moving here and he and I started up some kind of romantic thing. Har har.)

After that adjourned, I went back to the theater and fixed the paint blurps on the ticket and glued some more trash (burned another finger again, but less bad this time at least). I didn't do much by comparison this weekend. Mostly it looks like Sofia did a lot of graffiti, which is AMAZING.

I didn't get down many quotes, but here you go:

Evan pointing out to Sofia that she's the only Latino in the cast not playing a rich character. Don't think she was too thrilled at that.

Evan: "Steve, want to see a magic trick with my face?" Kyle: "That never goes well." I'm not sure what he was referring to, but apparently not actually his face there.

Kyle was trying to get Evan to insult him and finally said something like, "You don't inspire me to come up with insults."

A kid was hanging around today. I'm guessing her name is Angelina. Why? Steve: "Angelina? She's a rotten kid." Kid: "Thank you."

"Trash is never finished. It's like the Winchester Mystery House." -Steve

"Sofia is going to be in the program as Graffiti Girl." -Steve

Evan: "You know what, I thought Clocky was your son for awhile." Steve: "I thought so too."

Dannette: "We need to put a Wordle on there." Steve: "NO WORDLE."

Clocky made a crack that to get all the dirty plumbing pieces (he knew a plumber IRL), he and Steve painted up a van and claimed to be a plumbing company, with fake mustaches.

Steve found a cracker in the tool room, handed it to me, and said "Call Polly." I tried :)

I'm not sure what else is left. Setting up another toilet trolley-thing. Adding some kind of white board that will have sayings like "urine plus water equals profit" and the "Urine Games" and marketing and NFT's, Clocky says. They did paint UCG logos on things today.

Two more kids came in later. I assume they are in Beauty and the Beast, with the boy one playing the beast. Why? "The enchantress is your sister?" "I'm sorry I'm mean to you." Steve made a crack about not recognizing her without a mask on, then said, "I wouldn't recognize my sister now, but she's been dead since 1997."

Rehearsal: went through all the musical numbers up until "Why Did I Listen To That Man?"

The custom drink for this show will be called the "Drunk Bunny" and have Peeps in it.

"If someone finds all the Easter eggs, do they get to take the trash home?" -Kyle

Steve: "Dead people, shhh." Sarah: "We're not dead yet!"

Steve thinks Karam does the best peepee dance: "We're going to have to put a puddle under you. Show us your peepee dance." "There's a lot of variations..."
Sofia, did your water break? "I thought it did, but I only peed a little."

Steve: "Oh, THAT's what we do at intermission, we lock the bathroom door!" "There's paint on the set! What's the use of living?" (After the toilet barricade is wheeled out) "Make sure to lick your fingers after." "When you're running, don't kill people! We have a small enough cast as is!"

Steve to Paul and Sierra: "I want you to be like Barbie and Ken, no genitalia." Paul: "I haven't got any." Steve: "Good one."

Clocky was not so much remembering his lines tonight and got a little grumbly at getting shit about it, muttering, "I would have taken the day off like half the staff." Sofia fired off gun fingers and said, "Pew pew, shots fired!" Clocky: "I thought the SET was important."

I note that if a scene goes well, Clocky is all "Nailed it! See you opening night!"

Steve on the pee line: "I noticed the bear was shaking and it had its legs crossed." "Maybe Karam should come out smoking a cigarette." Sarah: "But what about the kids, Steve?" Steve: "I don't care about the kids."

Clocky on the toilet brigade: "It's an art project."

Sierra: "Did you not see me smack Clocky with my hair?"

Kimmie: "It's too bad we don't have the giant dumpster afterward."
Kyle: "This is going to be a mildly unpleasant strike."

Sofia is ah, wearing leggings with a hole right by the crotch. I guess tonight Sofia (who usually sprawls out her legs during the falling scene in "Run Freedom Run") dramatically closed them tonight, cracking up Steve and Sherilyn. They told her to keep that. Sofia: "I forgot I had holes in my pants!"

GRAFFITI WATCH: Sofia put up her own tag ("Lil B Wuz Here") behind the public amenity sign. She also has a LilB tag in the toilet barricade.

Karam was back tonight and I had to point out the "Tiny Tom Is A Jerk" graffiti. Her: "Rude!" Sofia: "Steve told me to do it." (Steve said the same later.)

At one point Steve stops everything because he sees something on the set. I was assuming he just spotted the "Recall Steve" sign, but nope, he thinks the Occupy UGC section of the graffiti looks like a penis. I note that this is only him thinking it, nobody else is. (I texted this to Scott, he didn't either.)
Evan: "I want to see the peepee."
Steve: "Of COURSE you do."
Sofia grabbed some chalk and made it look like the ball had a frown. "Not much better."
Sofia: "It's not a penis!" She then started trying to sing "Look At The Sky" to distract from the issue.
Steve: "Katrina has a dirty mind too."

Later, Steve suggested some more graffiti: "Knock Cladwell Off His Throne." "Maybe we can put it by the penis."
Sofia: 'IT'S NOT A PENIS!!!!"

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