Chaos Attraction

We Have Cootie Spray

2022-02-23, 6:00 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Sign and Shoe Drama - 2022-03-01
Two Stupid Walls And A Desk - 2022-02-27
The Quotable Steve - 2022-02-26
Home Alone - 2022-02-25
Too Stupid To Google - 2022-02-24


Cast list as of November 2019


* I did some of The Dreaded Emails.

* More international mail drama yet again.

* The new employee's start date was yanked AGAIN, this time to Friday, at 4:57 p.m. today is when my boss found that out. I didn't ask if I have to go in tomorrow, because fuck that.

* Some lady randomly emailed me a few days ago (someone in another office that I do not know well) said "congratulations on your new role!" and I was all "what are you talking about, I have no new role and never will." Apparently the current-but-now-leaving supervisor in the Shark Tank group mentioned my name in a meeting (for NO discernable reason I can think of) and I guess she took it as I was moving to that team. Boy, did this trigger shit for me and I had a very hard time writing a polite email mealymouthing the real truth of "They bullied me, I got kicked out of that team, and there's no way in hell I'm ever going to be in it again as long as You-Know-Who now RUNS the group." Which I didn't particularly feel like sharing, but kinda had to indicate that NOPE, there is no way I will EVER be wanted on that team again. Ahem. Let's drop it, shall we?

I THINK I deduced later that that manager was all "Oh, Jennifer's team is going to do X Random Thing now" in some meeting, which I had NO EFFING IDEA about until someone asked me to do X Random Thing and I politely informed her I didn't see any approvals of said thing and she needs to use the webpage for that, only to be schooled and told that no, she gets special exceptions to the rule and I should have known that. I hate people.

On the good news side, my bio got posted on the theater webpage (I figured they'd skip me, to be honest) and my old senior center knitting group is coming back at the end of March, on Tuesdays. We'll see.

Steve just announced that actors onstage will not be wearing masks (um....) but will have to have them on the rest of the time and the audience continues to have to wear them.

Rehearsal: tonight was actually Publicity Photo Night, so it was the first time in costumes/without masks for most people, which got shock at seeing people's faces and the like. Particularly those who have shaved. The entire time I've known Tomas he has had a large bushy-ass beard, which has gotten more pruned down as the shows go on (it was full shag for Camelot, less bad in the next two shows). Now it is GONE and that is so weird.

My costume is very dull and I am supposed to smear dirt on myself. This is all I have to say about it.

Clocky was doing a "Sexy Cladwell" pose on the desk and they were displaying money in the "rich people" photo. Meanwhile in the "poor people" photo, we're posing with the amenity (toilet) and the toilet brigade. Tomas posed with the baton at his crotch, making Kimmie bend over and snort. At one point Sofia did another splits while pregnant.

After the photos, they filmed for TikTok, god help me. I insisted on being in the back while they filmed dance numbers for that one.

Fun things I found out tonight: during the part of "Cop Song" that's just the two guys, Tomas is fake slapping himself in the head and he and Hugo hold hands and skip. At one point Hugo totally dropped out vocally and Tomas happily kept going with the skipping. Less fun: Jean told me a story about the costume designer at Woodland (I think?) who was "triple masked and constantly washing her hands" and still got it. Sigh.

Even less fun: at one point Jan (who, I'm told, can't tie her shoes, according to Jean after we had a whole conversation about getting shoes where you don't have to) slipped and fell on a rough-edged, uneven end of the stage. She was quite upset and they got an ice pack and she skipped some of the rest of rehearsal, but I think she'll probably be okay. Clocky and then Kimmie ran off to get drills and tape to try to patch up the stage right then and there.

Anyway, after all the photo and video, we ran through the end of "Run Freedom Run," presumably to pick up the rest tomorrow.


Steve to Jean re: Katrina's short skirt: "Are you calling her a hooker?"

"Evan, you sexy beast! Katrina, you look all right too." -Tomas

As Evan and Katrina are moving the giant desk and Katrina's in the huge heels, Evan said: "Do you want to be the person who doesn't walk backwards?"
Katrina and I are eyeing the policeman belts, which have pockets for EVERYTHING. Her: "You can survive anything in that belt. Solar flare, unicorn uprising..."

Hugo to Tomas: "You're under arrest for being so damn sexy!"

Jean to Clocky re: slippers: "Do they work better once they're on the right feet?"
Hugo on the baton: "It's the first time I've use this, I don't even know what I'm doing."

Sofia, deciding to skip putting on the belly for the night (standing like that is giving her backache): "I'll get pregnant later."

Me, watching Bobby tell Hope to meet him at the amenity tomorrow morning: "That sounds like a fun first date, hang out at the toilet."

Morgan on missing a cue during "Look At The Sky:" "I was over here writhing in pain."

Steve: "I want to see Karam try not to pee again."

Kyle: "This show has so many horrifying implications."

Where's Tomas?" Morgan: "Probably pooping." Sofia: "I didn't really kill him."

Kimmie to Sierra on getting out of the chair: "Just stand up and jump. Hop like a bunny."

Steve: "Sierra, you have to stay in the chair all night."

Tomas jokingly asked Kimmie about microphones like he'd never had one on before.
"Want me to show you where yours is going?" -Kimmie.
Sofia: "I like her."

Tomas: "Oh, THERE's the twerking that I heard about."
Sofia: "Steve doesn't approve of my twerking."

After they're trying to figure out who poses with who and decide that Lockstock is not gonna pose with Penny:
"I don't want to be near HIM, no!" -Morgan on her boyfriend.
Kimmie: "We have cootie spray."

Steve on Little Sally: "She's leaving a trail of pee."
Ed (here to do filming): "Like a snail."
Steve: "I would never say anything that disgusting."

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