Chaos Attraction

The Quotable Steve

2022-02-26, 6:10 p.m.

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Stitches West - 2022-03-04
Show Besties - 2022-07-03
Over Dirt - 2022-03-02
Sign and Shoe Drama - 2022-03-01
Two Stupid Walls And A Desk - 2022-02-27


Cast list as of November 2019

Last day of set construction today and I really didn't do much. (Clocky wasn't even there!) I couldn't do stuff like "reinforce the toilet barricade" or whatever, so I glued more trash to the set again and added literal Easter eggs and bunnies* and that's about it since others got to the painting first and there wasn't much of that left to do. Otherwise I sat around and chatted till nearly 4, more or less.

My final set decor: I did add literal Easter eggs into the egg carton. Two bunny heads on dowels that I put down long tubes, one on each side of the set I drew a cartoon rabbit and labeled it "Harvey" I found Sherilyn's old lady photo from The Producers randomly on the stage and stuck it in the set next to her husband. Heh heh heh.

Steve called me brilliant for the Easter eggs, btw :) He also said he's figured out what my strength is, "spatial organization," because not everyone can do that with the trash.

Other decorations today:

Sofia added in her "Clocky placeholder" poster, which is a poster of Clocky posing in a suit with a thumbs up and says "Cladwell Cares," except of course "cares" has been crossed out and replaced with "sux" and he of course has the requisite devil horns/red eyes/evil facial hair/devil tail. (He had a bra in the first version, but Steve nixed that one.)

Amy and Sofia worked on the "white board" in the UGC offices. Amy did the board with chemical symbols (extremely simplified from reality, apparently) and a cute little picture about distilling pee into water, while Sofia worked on the marketing side.

Note the jokes: "distillation poocess" "coopooration" "peepaganda disinformation campaign" "social peedia" "bladder management" "move to Tahoe desert."

Sofia is to add some cute little graphics (and presumably the UCG name) later, and that's about it for what's left. Steve seriously wanted to buy some kind of UGC domain name and reroute it to the theater webpage, but I guess he didn't find any available. "ugc.pee" is on the board though.

We also spent probably 20 minutes trying to find Jan's lost wallet. Steve has some kind of electronic tag on it on his phone and he, Katrina and I kept wandering the lobby area, where it said it was, getting very annoyed we couldn't find it. It finally turned up in a hidden drawer in the kitchen area.

Quotes from Steve:
Steve on Jan after she wanders in: "I know her." Me: "I should certainly hope so!"

Steve on Sofia: "She is a very, very sick human being."

"I'm a 67-year-old 12-year-old."

After Amy got him one of those popper doodads for the back of his phone: "Sofia, I'm cool now, look!"

To Jan about the lone remaining toilet seat: "Just take it out, I'd lick it first."

When someone was calling his name, he put on his hood and tightened it, Kenny from South Park style.

"This cracks me up because it's so stupid."

"Ladies and Jennifer." (I cracked up.)

"We HOPE it's dirt."

"Isn't this the silliest set you've ever seen!"

"I'm so happy we're doing this show with the cast we have. Even if it's a girl gang." (see below)

After I noticed there were a lot of hearts on the stage after Marie was covering up dirty bits: "A heart is just an upside down tuchus." True dat.

Steve to Marie, who is in her third production of the show: "Were any of your other directors for Urinetown as weird as me?" Her: "No." Him: "I take it as a compliment."

"I'm wearing my show underwear."

"I am very happy, except for the parts where I'm depressed."

I note that at one point Steve said he needs to take a break, he's tired, and he's surprised he's got the energy to be funny!

Quotes from everyone else:

James (former stage manager from Camelot, in to install the Urinetown ticket): "Tape solves all of my problems."
James on the random toilet seat still sitting around not in a set: "That's Beauty and the Beast's toilet." (I ended up grabbing paper towels and dumping it into the middle of the toilet barricade.)
James after putting up the sign: "And that's why I get paid the big bucks."

Marie: "I have a GPS on my dog."

Fun stories I heard:

Sofia said how she met Kyle: they went to the same high school, he was a year ahead of her, they were both in "Crazy For You" and she did NOT like him, saying he was a different person then. But they became friends later on, and kept in touch while at different colleges/went to Disneyland together, and then one hope, doesn't it.

Steve talked about auditioning for Fiddler on the Roof, which Jan was directing. She told him that if he wasn't the absolute best for the role, she was not going to cast him, and in the first audition apparently he came in fourth. He worked on it, knocked it out of the park and got cast...and then people were all "oh, sure, he got cast because he's her husband." He said that just because they know you doesn't necessarily mean you get a pass if you suck in the audition (see below). Hmmmm.

Less fun but still interesting stories I heard:

Steve asked Boris (from Ukraine) how he was doing, and apparently he has family there that are fleeing. Good for them and godspeed.

For once there were no sets along a certain section of the wall, so I spotted the previous cast of Urinetown's wall-signing section. I was amused by it--particularly the "For a good time, call Mrs. M" bit--and called Katrina (playing said character) to see it, and then Marie, since that's who was left in the building at the time. (Not a lot of people still left. Sofia and Amy were in earlier. Amy is kinda annoyed at how some people haven't done much set time.) Eventually Steve also noticed this and he said that "I HATED that cast." I was all, why? (though I had heard that the previous Lockstock had a lot of personal problems) and he said they were cliquey and shutting people out and being rude. I looked at the names and while I recognized four of them as still being around here (three of them in this show), the rest are people I've never seen. I said that shocked me because everyone I've met here has been nice. I think he has less tolerance for jerks these days.

Steve also mentioned a certain former lady who used to perform there who (a) threw a pouting fit at the idea of having to work on sets, (b) apparently played a part in Woodland and then thought she'd get it here but came in fifth out of five people who auditioned for it ("I remember seeing her, she was TERRIBLE"), and then she quit, and her husband who worked at the theater of course quit too.

Steve was telling Katrina the story of how he had a horrendous accident at that other theater and then his lawyer scammed him. But here's a detail I never heard before: the play was called "Death Trap." LOL. That's right up there with me asking Scott to Titanic for sheer irony :P

In other news, I fear the signs are coming back again, as the neighbor is moving and had a moving truck from "BLV Moving: Delivering Love, Joy and Happiness" and hearts all over the truck, and the neighbor put out for free (among other things such as bulletin boards, paint supplies and Mod Podge, which I grabbed) a book on the love languages and a giant coffee table book about love. Hmmmmmmm.

Mom called tonight and is sounding SOMEWHAT more amenable to the idea of seeing Urinetown ("is this one funnier than the one we saw?"), but we'll see if that ever happens.

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