Chaos Attraction

Last Minute Evita

2022-03-13, 6:54 p.m.

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Urine Good Company - 2022-03-18
Go Luck Yourself - 2022-03-17
Boring - 2022-03-16
This Is All We Do? - 2022-03-15
Rum Bunny Rum - 2022-03-14


Cast list as of November 2019

Almost every night this week I've woken up at 2:30 a.m. and been unable to get back to sleep. Tonight I did that at 3:30 a.m. Thanks, time change! That said, I love DST, even if I feel rummy as shit for reasons not related to time change.

Show today, didn't take that many notes.

Kimmie objected to people talking onstage during quiet bits (see yesterday's entry), SIGH. Some people did anyway. I note that Dannette said "excuuuuuuse me" when Penny wants everyone to bug off.

I note that the plunger Morgan carries around is apparently some kind of gun and a sound effect goes off as such, and then she waves it around in our direction for the first minute of "It's A Privilege To Pee" and we all flinch. Today she waved it RIGHT into Sofia's pregnant belly and oh, the look in her eyes even though it's a fake baby...

Amy suggested we do a flash mob at the Farmers Market. I'm all for this, but I note that the lady who runs the FM is notoriously hard to deal with, so good luck getting permission there.

I mentioned Clocky having bought us "portable snacks" and Sofia said, "I just heard portable sex," which, AHEM, led to some interesting discussion of that topic.

Karam on her character Tiny Tom: "No one knows what Tiny Tom gets up to," and "I'm also playing Tiny Tom and I don't get it," i.e. her joke about "not since yesterday, unless I've grown."

Morgan has an insane Miss Frizzle from hell hairdo in this. At one point one of the clips came out and "Looks like I have a Jedi tail." Katrina: "Why don't you braid it and see if anyone notices?" Shorthaired Sarah: "It's worth it if one person notices outside of this room."

Katrina debates if it's worth it to pee midshow and have to take off all her undergarments. Sierra: "It's a show about peeing, you'll have to go to eventually." I think I pointed out that having to do the peepee dance for real in act 2 would be distracting.

At the end of the show, Sierra was all "now I'm sad that I don't have anyone to do and can't see people during the week," which of course turned into HEY, YOU WANNA DO EVITA? :) Morgan noted that other than us and Hugo, it's a lot of new people. (I note I finally got onto the Evita FB and there's only nine on it.)

After that, I went to the dollar store for more makeup and the grocery store, super exciting.

Evita rehearsal:

We have two Sierras now, the one from Urinetown (brunette) and the one from Tony n' Tina (blonde), which amuses me.

Scott sat next to me, yay. He's looking gorgeous--okay, he always is to me, but every time the mask is off, daaaaaaaaaaamn so pretty. This may very well be a pandemic thing, plus lack of beard.

Others previously known: Hugo, Arthur, Morgan, Steve, Arie, Isaiah (out of town this week). There are several kids (middle/high school), which surprised me because the one song we did tonight was um..."Peron's Latest Whore," which is quite filthy dirty. There's no script to read through per se so it's all songs, so we introduced ourselves and started right off.

Jan was all "you kids don't care" about the dirty language, right? Steve was all "A bitch is a female dog, right?" Morgan said to the kid nearest to us (Sage), "You go to public school, right?' Sage's response: "You should have seen the show my sister was in last week." (Firebringer.)

Fun fact from Steve: "I'm like no 67-year-old you ever met. I'm on my phone 19 hours a day like a 14 year old."

"Aristocats" was said and a running joke is born.

In the dressing room today, Dannette was talking about the voice coach school she and Arthur go to. I intended to mention this to Scott and never got to it during the rest of my day (I'd intended to bring it up after rehearsal), but by the end of rehearsal I walked out and he and Arthur were happily chatting away about it, so that worked out. Then after that wound down, he and I talked by ourselves about voice acting, the ten minute play (Robert may not have gotten into anything, Scott doesn't know his schedule yet either, he thinks it's funny that he's the non-Shakepearean and she is one) and Evita stuff. He did say that his ex made him listen to his voiceovers and "she was good to me in a lot of ways." Sigh.

Anyway: good job me, for getting to hang out with him for most of an hour after rehearsal was over, staring at his pretty pretty face and listening to his lovely voice and getting to hug him three times. He did say he wants to see Urinetown, didn't ask more on that topic.

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