Chaos Attraction

Urine Good Company

2022-03-18, 7:06 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
The Art Of The Possible - 2022-03-23
Evita Is A Hottie - 2022-03-22
BigBoss Search Fail - 2022-03-21
A Kick In The Head - 2022-03-20
Pterodactyl Scream - 2022-03-19


Cast list as of November 2019

Work: thankfully I didn't hear from anyone who hated me from yesterday. It's kind of concerning that the shitty couple who was wanting me to do their thing ASAP didn't surface (or pay, more specifically) today, but that happens. People like to throw fits and demand something instantly because it's an emergency and then never get back to you again. (I hate people.) Other than that, usual shit. I was long since ready for work to end around 2:30 and had to slog on till 5.

Show tonight: You know how some nights just have some stuff going on? I think this one did a bit. Starting out with that it's finals weeks here and James had a final going from 6-8 p.m. tonight. Awkward! Steve tried to stall about as best he could (mentioned the Easter eggs again, hah hah!) and then finally just asked Kimmie if he needed to keep stalling, in front of everyone. We were cracking up backstage. E was all "I've never respected him more." I note that James made it for the start of "A Privilege to Pee" scene, but I guess Sarah went ahead with her line, assuming he wasn't there for the bit he does beforehand, so...oh well, I guess. Also, a shovel fell down loudly right as Lockstock was asking Barrel if everything was all right, THUD, everything is! Sarah moved it out of the way there. And Sierra forgot her hanky to dab Paul's forehead, but did it with her gag and frankly, that works and seems fitting for the show. And during intermission, Molly was all "I lost my glasses" (she doesn't perform in 'em). After ten minutes of looking and not finding, her sister Annie was called in. Annie looked into Molly's eyes and was all "You have your contacts in. They're probably at home."

Notable to me was that there was an actual cute guy, at the theater by himself with no girlfriend, sitting in the front row. I didn't get the psychic ping about him EITHER (grrr, argh....when will that ever happen again?), mind you, so he wouldn't be interested and god knows I'm not doing anything interesting in the show to watch. But I enjoyed watching him off and on throughout the night. I do have a thing about watching the occasional cute guy in a show--which is convenient when he's on the stage and you're watching the show. It's a little different when YOU'RE on the stage and he's right in front of you in the audience. I keep thinking, if I'm ever going to meet this guy the psychic mentioned, why not have him show up at the show...well, who knows.

I haven't been going out to watch sound check for this show, as people haven't gotten too weird about it like they did in Producers, but they're starting to: "No offense, Mr. Strong, but you smell like an underground sewer." Katrina. Sarah(?) started doing the voice of an Irish lass from Titanic, Sofia was doing a baby voice.

Quotes from the dressing room:

Katrina hurt herself skating: "Then a pebble came and said, I'm gonna ruin this girl's night."

Katrina: "Hugo asked what we were talking about and I said it was 80% of the time our acne."

We all agreed that we're afraid to find out what goes on in the men's dressing room.

Sofia: "I got baby problems." Sierra: "Ice cream is a general fix."

Sofia on her Twilight poetry-writing days: "I wrote one called Underworld, blech!"

Sofia: "Kyle tries to smolder at me."

Apparently Sofia's "found family" mom was lost for 21 days at sea before being found.

Sierra continues to not be good at snorting, saying this is the hardest part of her role. Sofia: "Nobody teach her how to snort. It's funnier the way it is."

Karam said she found out that someone at the college--a supervisor--got fired for public urination.

Sofia, after being alone for pandemic: "I'm too comfortable with my weird noises."

Karam: "Urine good company, how many times am I gonna make that joke?"

We also had discussions over not wanting kids, whether or not to buy a home (Kyle's parents apparently think they should), and found out that Steve proposed to Jan on the third date. SO JEALOUS.

Clocky suggested we have a scratch-n-sniff program, with pee smell.

Didn't go out tonight--tonight was Bathroom/Dressing Room Cleaning Night for me and then I was kinda all, fuck it. Maybe tomorrow.

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