Chaos Attraction

The Inevitable

2003-03-19, 6:51 p.m.

Well, it started. Whee.

My lunch phone conversation with Dave was fun. He seems to think that we've pissed off enough people that this will go into WWIII and get into drafting guys. I hope it doesn't go that far. Oh well, at least Dave can't be drafted.

He was all "If this gets bad enough, we're going to Vegas, and I know you're not going to like this, but you're moving here because you live too close to too many targets." Way to comfort me, babe.

When I left work today, the campus streets were almost empty compared to the usual. I wondered if it was just finals week or if everyone was home watching TV and waiting for the deadline. It was kind of ominous to have so few people about.

Around 6:30, the news broke in chat. I was amazed that when The Announcement came on, it was only five minutes long. Five minutes for that? Dave called during it, all pissed off that he was forced to call and hit people up for money at work just as war was starting, and they were not letting anyone go home early and claiming the war would have no effect on moneymaking. One person was actually dancing around and singing some obnoxious song and going off about some $500 pledge trying to motivate them. Yes, that was during speech time. Naturally, Dave was getting cussed out left and right for calling while a war just started, and called me after work saying he wanted to look for any other kind of job, he couldn�t take it any more.

And Mom is, in her usual sheeplike Republican fashion, in favor of war. Argh. It's not that I'm in favor of Saddam, mind you- I think his ass should have been kicked during the first war. But (a) our economy is in absolute ass shape, and war WILL make it worse, and we can't afford for it to get worse, (b) as far as we can tell, Saddam didn't have anything to do with 9/11 and is being used as an easier (and still evil) scapegoat, (c) the Bush family vendetta is rearing its ugly head again, and (d) Dubya seems absolutely blockheaded about the entire thing and will do what he wants, NO MATTER WHAT. That's the scariest thing of all, that all the protesting and objection does no good, and all we hear about is "Over 70 % of Americans support the war!"

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