Chaos Attraction


2021-03-29, 7:56 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Masks Are The New Bra - 2021-04-03
People Will Believe What They Want - 2021-04-02
Who Cares About April Fool's - 2021-04-01
Shrek Callbacks - 2021-93031
Shot Day #2 - 2021-03-30


Cast list as of November 2019

Welp, that was the WORST night of sleep ever. Tired but could not lose consciousness, was pretty much mentally hyper over the idea of being in a play again. I managed to stay awake all day at work, but I am probably gonna pass out after eating now that work's over.

Work was surprisingly quiet today (on a day where it should not have been). Penguin Girl enjoyed flying a plane on her birthday but thinks it's too expensive to go for her license. My boss was all, "I didn't want to ruin things for you, but someone we used to know accidentally did damage to a plane and...he doesn't fly any more." Ooof! Lioness wants to get two puppies and breed them, to which I was all, "Hm, you have two small kids in the house, LET'S ALSO GET SOME PUPPIES?" Well, good luck with that, I guess. When I told people about the audition, my boss was all, "Can you sing?" and I was all "I...don't...know?"

It's spring, and the giant org is updating all the webpages to have HUGE PRETTY PICTURES and very little information. I'm not happy about our website being redone tomorrow, but I was REALLY unhappy when I had to check another organization's website (they put on events, which are obviously affected by Covid-19) and not only did they have NEXT TO NOTHING on the page, what little they had was "Contact Jen's work with your questions!" To which I was all, the fuck? We don't actually run what they do AT ALL. We do not put on events. We do their paperwork and that's it here. I reported this to my boss, who sent an email of complaint about that. Later that day I found out that Giant Org's CEO put out a vague announcement hinting that in-person events might be coming back, so....I guess that's why they got nothing, but they couldn't put a "Coming Soon" or ANYTHING? (Also, seriously, not us, please.)

In other news from the CEO, he said that we should probably start officially reporting when we get our shots, because it'll probably become mandatory at some point anyway. Well, give me a few days. Walgreens is sending me notifications about it. Can't wait. Let's get this DONE. I assume I'll get forced to go back to work regardless of my vax status, so might as well get it over with. Really, I just want to be able to leave the house again without worrying about catching my death.

Chatted with Shanna and Kelly for a bit. Shanna is getting harassed by some perv at work and wants her own rainbow unicorn sweater (will do). Kelly is planning the next show stuff. She knows a local big shot playwright where she lives and invited him to step in for reading for someone at our next reading. She has ambiguous feelings on the guy (nice but sounds like he may have some ego, also is A Big Deal Around Here and Wins All The Things) but decided that it's probably good to get his help with things. We'll see how it goes when we all meet online, I guess.

I'm not usually THIS out of it after a night of sleeplessness. Lately I have been on an every-other-night schedule, i.e. Night A I wake up in the middle of the night and may or may not be able to go back to sleep, Night B I actually go for 8-9 hours, then Night C I wake up in the middle of the night get the drift. I bet if I go to bed by 6 p.m. tonight I wake up at 11 p.m, though.... which would actually work out, I guess, today.

Note: I "woke up" at 8:35 p.m, after about two hours of dozing. I still don't know if I actually lost consciousness here.

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