Chaos Attraction

Hiring Is Still In Progress

2022-04-18, 2:44 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Chaos Magnet Birthday - 2022-04-24
Spring Fling Show - 2022-04-23
Calvary/Calgary - 2022-04-22
Why Bother - 2022-04-21
Come Get Your Screw, Baby - 2022-04-20


Cast list as of November 2019

Today at work: on the good news side, my remaining teammate DID come back! On the bad news side, 2 of the remaining coworkers (for now) were out, so we were down to a whopping four people (we're supposed to have nine) by halfway through the day. Hiring is still "in progress." I asked about hiring more temps and my boss said she put in for ones who LIKE customer service because otherwise it doesn't work. Since obviously I'm Exhibit A on that one....
The new Interim Big Boss (after two weeks of being "in office") finally sent people an email saying he wants to meet with everyone privately about issues. I'm just like, that's nice, but why fucking bother? Is anything ever going to? Why put in the effort and take the risk to say something when nothing ever changes? Also, it's an(nother) interim. A chair warmer. Probably not the person who's going to fix all the things for the next year, or any things. I'm tired of it all.

I'm tired of having to apologize for doing my damn job, because someone is still complaining that we didn't do anything, when all I did was send two emails saying PLEASE UPLOAD YOUR EVIDENCE OR ELSE I CAN'T DO YOUR THING. Evidence was eventually sent in, thing was changed. Then she 's all "I want a new thing, who do I contact?" and I'm all "fuck, all the managers in that chain of command are now gone," so forwarded to my boss and then I had to account for everything I'd done...sigh.

Other than that, I got assigned to answer questions for 1.5 hours...sigh...that mostly was muddled through and the afternoon was dead quiet. And I did more special emails. I have now cleared out all the stuff I know how to do.

Evita rehearsal: first night where everyone was all here. So we have...around 20 people? I think? We did all of act 1. This show is short, thank goodness: by which I mean we actually finished act 1 around 9:08-ish. We do everything completely disconnected from each other (weird) so now we're actually doing things in order. So except for the last few songs of Act 1, I have breaks and time to change or whatever. Not doing much. Scott, of course, is in almost everything because of being a dude.

Lindsay got annoyed at Jonathan for yelling at people ("I'm a volunteer here!") and wanted to say something about it, but I don't know if that happened. I confess that dude is not beloved like the other musical directors.

Talked to Scott/sat by him a wee bit--he has been doing set stuff. Said he's doing a vocal lesson Saturday and then setting up for 10 minute, so I presume he's not doing construction again. I don't know if we need to or not? Or if I will go?

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