Chaos Attraction

Harsh Truths About This Connection

2021-04-20, 8:50 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Mawwidge - 2021-04-26
Today's Drama - 2021-04-25
Almost Like Normal Out There - 2021-04-24
Regiment #1 - 2021-04-22
Smart People? - 2021-04-21


Cast list as of November 2019

I woke up to loud construction across the street. Then later the apartment management said they are "rebuilding the dumpster area" (?????) for the next few days. Uck. Jackhammers and beeps, y'all.

Nothing much to say today about work either, thank goodness. Stay quiet forever, as far as I'm concerned. We have a reasonable number of emails and I am mostly just going through lists of things. Though I did have a brief moment of fear when Christine asked me if someone in my group was leaving and I was all I DON'T THINK SO AIEEE and it turned out to be some vague rumor confusion about her husband's department. Whew.

Therapy was brutally disappointing, as my therapist had nothing to say about what I had to tell her beyond "you still don't know what he's thinking" and "sometimes I believe in this stuff, sometimes I think it's crap." Me too, I said to that. Feh, I didn't work out anything from that. She was all "I've had that happen to me too, when I had signs and they didn't come true."

I got a lot of texts today. I seriously love how we have group text blowing up, it's REALLY FUN. Kelly is making pull quote posters for the show with random lines from the play, which is hilarious. Mom wants to know what to do for my birthday. Roger and Evan are going to go off for brotime from 12-1 or whatever and then meet Mom and I for dinner--I agreed to go to Buckhorn in Winters. Where to go for lunch, I do not know, as I was trying to figure out which places have outdoor dining off the Internet, which was not so clear on that topic, or shall we say, updated for the 2020's specifically.

So tonight's walk after work was to go downtown. I haven't really hung around downtown much in the pandemic--briefly went into the bookstore, drove through a few times and that's it, and that's where things are very different. Restaurants out of business, new restaurants I've never heard of. There's more people and cars around, and though there's a fair amount of masks, I still felt wigged out. A few streets are blocked off here and there for dining, particularly G Street since that's almost all restaurants anyway. I'm not sure what I want to do foodwise--I REALLY want Chinese but none of those have outdoor dining, just takeout. Maybe take her to a Thai restaurant. I'm not sure.

There's some nice painted street art on the closed streets. I also found one of those large automated public restrooms that was COVERED IN TAROT CARDS, by which I mean, half the stall was covered in town-themed cards and the other half was covered in pandemic-themed cards. Amazing.

I am still seeing hearts, rings, love crap all over the place. In chalk, on cars. Bloody everywhere.

I did see a horrendous Hoarder Van that claims to be about recycling. They have random stuff stuck on the car, which would be great, but they have trash bags on the roof, literally HANGING OUT OF THE CAR WINDOWS, and there's even a box of animals or something stuck to the front of the car. Everything is full except for the driver's seat. I was all, can this even be DRIVEN? Can this car actually be SEEN OUT OF to DRIVE IT?!? Good god. I know someday I'm going to be a hoarder--it runs strong in the gene pool--but at least my mom never became a Car Hoarder or a "fills the front yard with crap" hoarder. I can't even with the Car Hoarder people.

Today's Pick A Card: "Harsh Truth About This Connection," #3, was very accurate actually. There is mutual love and caring in this one, unlike the others. She said "soulmate connection" but now I just want to scream at that one. Things are up in the air now. "They kind of get you in a way nobody else does." But you have been waiting for them a long, long time. When are you going to show up for me? What they're offering you is "just some nonsense, not something that's real." "I feel like you're committed to this person" (twin flame again...I'M SO OVER THAT), "it's spiritual," "I feel like you're always be cyling in and out of each other's lives." and "There's more for you to experience with this person." I don't think so. You're sticking with this and not considering other options--well, I was, anyway. They don't want to move this forward. Letting go of what is no longer serving you, you realize that you're not going to progress with this. Future energies/three months time, you may need to experience more than they are not investing in you--never mind, I figured it out.

Oracle cards: Avoidance (of course), "I'm hiding my feelings from you." They are keeping you in the dark. "I do see love in this reading, which is why it's making it so difficult." They don't know how to do that. The card Abandoned--of course. Metamorphosis. Tension. "Everybody's doing the best that they can with the information that they have."

Steve had More Nose Issues today, including a lot of blood clots and cauterization and "It a good thing I had a black T-shirt on" and "I've been in bed all day today."

"What are you eating?" -Steve "Curry." -Morgan "WHY?!?" -Steve (They're going to Disneyland at the end of next month so they might rehearse from the road..."Hey, we auditioned from a hotel room!")

Fun fact: Steve has photographic memory, "though sometimes I need developing fluid."

"We're going to be using, whatchamacallit..." -Steve "Oh, great, I love whatchamacallit!" -Adam

"I don't know who this Hugo is." -Steve. "Me neither." -Morgan, his girlfriend

"Look what came in the mail today, my face." -Adam, who I guess got a mask of some sort.

"Barney has been barking all day today." -Steve

"If you see my nose bleed, let me know." -Steve

"Can you come back to me later? I'm still learning my part." -Judah "You are donkey. You are hairy. What else is there to learn?" -Adam, in character as Shrek

"God help us, everyone." Steve, recounting that Tiny Tim said that in A Christmas Carol one time. "And I did not break character." -Adam "I did. I was Scrooge, I LOST IT." -Steve "One of my proudest moments," -Adam

Steve: "Whose dog is that?" Lauren: "Mine, so sorry." "Oh, it's yours." Steve. They both thought it was Barney, who indeed yapped away through most of rehearsal.

(while asking if Lauren does any musical instruments, she does not) "I could pull up my tuba."-Adam Steve: "No."

On group numbers: "Hold on to your butts." -Carter "Hang on to your hats, it's going to be a bumpy ride." -Adam "Do me a favor, for my sanity, mute please." Steve "That was perfect, right?" -Steve

Section leaders will record again.

"Let's go to a song, Justin Belieber." -I forget who

"Jennifer, you're a pig, right?" -Steve "Hey, that's not very nice." -Adam (as Shrek) "You're looking for a smacked bottom, you are." -Morgan (as Shrek)

"We could put Sweet Caroline in here and nobody would notice." -Steve

"I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed." -Adam

"I do not like green eggs and ham." -Steve

"I'm a Jew boy, I'm a goyim, Don't say that, I'll annoy them." -Steve

"Middle pig, middle pig, let me come in." -Adam Me: "No, because I know what you're up to." The 3 Little Pigs were previously Mexican rather than German in their 2014 show. Since 2/3 of us are white, maybe that would be inappropriate this time, I think....

"Lauren, why are we looking at your ceiling?" -Steve (Lauren is fiddling with the iPad) "If it's an iPad, why doesn't it go through your eye?" -Adam "That's your quota of questions for the night, Adam." -Judah

"If we ever need another pig pun, I'll be porking around for that." -Robert Steve brings up Kevin Bacon, he's 2 degrees away! "If you keep up the pig puns, I will die because I love pigs. I have pigs in my room you can't see right now'-Morgan "If everybody wants to put their money together and get me a pet pig." -Morgan Adam tells about his grandmother's pet pig being a pain and trying to dig up the house. "You guys are BORING ME with the pig talk." -Steve "One of us has to be a ham." -Robert "We should really cut out the pork." -Adam "Just for squeals." Adam "WHAT. You know I can't mute you remotely." -Steve

"The only advantage of virtual is you can't overpower them." -Steve "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED" -Adam

After doing yet another muted song: "That was perfect, nobody was behind AT ALL, correct?" Steve "2 minutes, 9 seconds of bliss." -Steve

SO I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON, but I don't think anyone else knows either? I think leads may have slightly more of a clue because they are singing more lyrics at a time than us background people, but overall people seem Quite Lost. I tried listening to the piano parts for me after we got out of rehearsal but was mostly still lost, except for one recording that spelled it out pretty well. Hooooooo boy, what did I get myself into?

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