Chaos Attraction

Regiment #1

2021-04-22, 8:54 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
How To Badly Run Your Event Website - 2021-04-28
Yet Another Mixed Bag Day - 2021-04-27
Mawwidge - 2021-04-26
Today's Drama - 2021-04-25
Almost Like Normal Out There - 2021-04-24


Cast list as of November 2019

Two things about work: (a) GiantOrg sent out a press release pretty much saying that they are going to require vaccination...or at least they will when the FDA approves it...vague something like that, but plan to get vaccinated now before coming back here, essentially. This has now led to a few polite arguments on the work Slack. (b) After a day of "yup, I am super bored" I had EMERGENCY ASAP! dropped on me at 4:40 p.m. Such is life. I really wish they'd done this one earlier in the week, because now I won't be able to get the whole thing ordered until Monday morning.

Dawn came over after work and gave me a inspirational/psychology book (I think? I flipped through it a bit but haven't had much time to read it) for my birthday, and we hung out on my patio right up until rehearsal. She's taken Loretta to all the craft stores, where they had a good time but she noticed that they aren't as well stocked as usual, particular Michael's. I told her about all the show stuff, and she told me about craft projects she's done that took way too much crazy time and all the patterns she bought but didn't make anything from yet. Her all clear is mid-May, thank goodness.

Shrek rehearsal: welp, this actually went until about 10 tonight.

Music/choreography, "Regiment #1." This is just kind of a sung chant, but about the first time I actually got what they meant about reading from the music. I at least got what it meant by singing the length of notes, if not the actual notes. They said just sing whatever the heck you want on low/medium/high anyway for this one...and then he played MORE music and I was totally lost AGAIN. I FEEL SO STUPID.

Mary wants to record right now. Not until after Big Day Of Giving, Jan says. "I'm just going to have you fend for yourselves." -Jan? "There's no relaxing, Jan, you run a theater." -Mary "Pretty short, don'' make a career of the notes." -Steve On "Regiment #1:" "This is my ringtone, by the way." -Steve "That is one thing i am not going to miss when the pandemic is over," about being muted- Steve

Regiment Reprise: 'I wish we could do it live, because the audience is cracking up." -Steve They said not to worry about it, everyone gets screwed up on accompaniment. I did sing it alone and they said it was good. "What he did was hire all these macho guards to make him look good." -Jan "Just remember, because it's Farquaad, it doesn't have to be too high." -Arthur when you're trying to be nine person in your living room with barney...

Battle of Farquuad: Uh...we seriously have to do a minuet? And ballet? And they are somehow picking up Farquaad during this?

"I didn't realize i would be singing with character tonight.' -Andy, who thought he was marking it for choreo. "I'm going to give you places in your clumps." -Jan "When we did the waltz, we didn't know who our partners were going to be." -Jan

"I thought Steve didn't want us to cross over." -Carter "For one song I can do it. And then I can blame Carter." -Steve "You're going to do some funny ballet here...." Jan "Don't go making too much sense, Dannette." -Andy "Ohhhhhhhhhh, this virtual world." -Jan "Tippy toes the whole time, like you're ballerinas." -Jen "I'm a bllaerinae, you're a blalerin,a everyone's a ballerina>- Arthur "Whoa, the Titanic" when Steve moves Jan's camera.

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