Chaos Attraction

Freak Flag Fly

2021-05-15, 9:06 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Workplace Reimagined - 2021-05-20
Meg and Joseph, Part 2 - 2021-05-19
Crossword Puzzles - 2021-05-18
Final Filming Night - 2021-05-17
More Shrek Dancing Stuff - 2021-05-16


Cast list as of November 2019

Spent the day (off and on) rehearsing Shrek. Freak Flag is making me insane. Five different parts, four of which I keep mixing up Seriously, it's like "Part A, then Part B, then wave your arms in the air" and I continue to mix up which Part A, section 1, Part B, section 1, etc. I start thinking Part A section 2 is section 1 or god knows what I am doing. God, I feel dumb. THIS IS TOO SOON, Y'ALL. I KNOW THEY ARE IN A RUSH BUT THIS IS TOO SOON.

I did rehearse other ones too--or at least the ones that have video (I can sing "Big Bright Beautiful World" but am not sure what the hell we are physically DOING other than pulling out a pitchfork at some point, and the wedding song doesn't have any video of us anyway). Did "The Goodbye Song" and "Finale"--not too many moves on either of those. They just added "I'm A Believer" so now I have to cram that one in too. That's where I started to just kinda lose my shit.


Like I seriously have signs stuck up in the apartment for LEFT SIDE and RIGHT SIDE and FRONT OF STAGE. I am watching the videos on the laptop on the left, but most of the videos are filmed from the front (NOT from the view that we would be seeing performing it), so I have signs saying STAGE LEFT stuck to the RIGHT side of the laptop and vice versa Andy asked if they were going to film "I'm A Believer" from behind, but no such luck, I think. IT IS BREAKING MY BRAIN TRYING TO REVERSE IT IN MY BRAIN ON TOP OF EVERYTHING ELSE.

In other news, the taxes are done and my mom was all "You are somehow making A LOT MORE MONEY than you were last year." (Last year she was all "You seem to have lost a lot of money?") I honestly have no effing idea. She was all "You didn't notice this on your pay stubs?" and I'm all what pay stubs, I have direct deposit, and yes, I think there's more money in my account IN GENERAL but I assumed that was stimulus checks, and also I just don't go out and buy gas/eat out/spend money as much any more so of course there's more money than usual? I haven't officially gotten a raise in years, so hell if I know. Believe me, they publicize it every time the union gets us a buck more or whatever for cost of living. Maybe....I dunno what changed, deductions or something...I have no clue. I asked my mom if she actually does the taxes or just hands them off to her old bosses and she said the latter. "You wanna do them yourself?" HELL NO. See, stuff like this is why I can't run my own business. Numbers and money are incredibly vague in my head.

Tried texting Redhead Sarah to see how she was doing. Guess how that went....which is to say, hopefully next Saturday. Since I spent the day drilling dance numbers, and a good chunk of the night (forgot to watch storytelling at night, oh well)....

Now I'm rewatching the videos again and ah, some of them have been flubbed up. Or the "back" version and "front" versions are different as to whether or not arms are being waved up or down, whether you're going forward or backwards.... WHICH AM I SUPPOSED TO BE DOING?!?!

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