Chaos Attraction

Evita Zoom Meeting

2022-05-18, 4:01 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Stop Being Annoying - 2022-05-23
Everyone's Still Sick - 2022-05-22
Clue - 2022-05-21
Can't Get Tested - 2022-05-20
Evita Is Canceled - 2022-05-19


Cast list as of November 2019


(a) Had various meetings with my boss re: spreadsheets and the like.

(b) Had more Platinum Rush Drama--yet another not-very-nice person gets a freebie. Upon having the situation explained to her (i.e. it's Other Office's fault more than ours on this one), she declared it was our fault, in a "royal we" sort of way, and I was all "I am pretty well sick of everything being my fault here." She said it wasn't. But...y'know, it ends up being my fault. She compared the job to a clown punching bag, 'nuff said.

(c) I continue to find the whole argument over the mascot on work Slack hilarious and so far the most fun part of my week, for obvious reasons. Some people are all "how come WE didn't get to vote?" (they only asked a certain section of GiantOrg clientele to vote, I get the feeling it was to increase voter turnout, which is tiny) and I said that I don't think GiantOrg cared about the opinions of the rest of the population. Grandboss then promptly messaged me to tell me not to say that GiantOrg doesn't care, making me feel obligated to apologize and delete it...then Grandboss did some research and ah, darned if I wasn't right, they only asked that one population. Ahem. Though after that it turned into a fun chat on mascotting, hah hah. Really, the issue to me is that Current Mascot is named after a "famous" (not that famous) animal in the 1920's and that's not exactly super relevant/memorable to the folks today, AND we pretty much already have an unofficial mascot that's another animal. They are discontinuing a mascot logo this week (bad sign there, isn't it). There's pretty much NO mascot merchandise to be found or handed out for free around here, whereas I counted and I have NINE unofficial mascot freebies from GiantOrg over the years. Everyone thinks the second animal is our mascot, and that's been the case for the 20+ years I've lived here. This is why I say: HAVE TWO MASCOTS. Just make the second animal ALSO official already! A few people agreed with me on that.

Evita: around noon Steve announced he got it and Jan wanted to have an emergency Zoom meeting 7:30, when I had been (optimistically) planning on seeing Tootsie. I spent a half hour on hold to get the ticket changed to tomorrow. WE'LL SEE IF I CAN GO, of course. Man, was that ever stupid to buy something in advance, eh? I'm not going to bother to test today, under the circumstances of not leaving the house.

Actual meeting:

Steve, Kimmie, Sage (and her mom) all have it now. Arie said he feels sick but tested negative. Scott says he has a cough, hasn't gotten his PCR yet (still?) but tested negative 2 days in a row on rapid and will keep doing it every day. (Isaiah said he'd test every hour.) Both Sierras are not feeling well now, though Brunette Sierra said she was doing better than yesterday.

Brian is home (though I'm guessing after his exposure in the hospital, maybe that's where Kimmie got it?), at least. Clocky will be around all weekend again (and briefly showed himself as a rainbow potato and a girl potato), but late on Friday so people will have to figure out starting places on their own.

So far, no leads have it.

They are going to try to do the show anyway and reshuffle parts. Hugo and Arie will be assigned in areas Steve was in. Morgan and/or Arielle will have to figure out how to reconfigure Buenos Aires tomorrow with who's left. A few other line reshuffles there and there. Kyle will be doing light board (not sure how E is doing there...).

My reshuffles: move all of the chairs on the left hand side, go back to being on the bench at the start of the show, get champagne thrown in my face. Not sure what'll go on with Rainbow High yet, presumably just have less accessories on her (I note the bracelet is on its last legs anyway, might as well skip it) or something.

There are 100 rapid tests at the theater.

I asked what happens if we lose more people, Kimmie spelled out "how many more do we lose before we cancel the show?" and yeah, sounds like leads and/or one more guy (as Scott keeps pointing out...presumably assuming he might be that guy).

I asked about masks and they said they'd be more diligent about insisting people have masks on backstage. So...not on the actual stage then, still? Even under these circumstances? Ummmmmmm...

Cast party will be done later, presumably.

Quotes: "People are not feeling well in general." -Jan "As long as SOMEONE gets called a whore." -I forget who, probably Clocky, on reassigning that bit. "I wanted to drum AND be stage manager again!" -Steve

We'll see how this goes.

Scott looked...very thin on camera? In the face? Without a beard, anyway. Very dark-eyed and thoughtful. We were next to each other in the zoom, har har.

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