Chaos Attraction

More Yarn Bombing

2021-06-08, 10:24 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Love Karaoke, Hate Work - 2021-06-14
Online Cons - 2021-06-13
Me, the Knitting, and the Cockroaches - 2021-06-12
I Just Emailed - 2021-06-11
Work Dilemma - 2021-06-10


Cast list as of November 2019

I don't have much to say about work, other than half the staff is out again, I spent a lot of time doing tedious things, etc. I did finish my yarn bomb and Marty came by to pick up and gave me a tamale and said "You've lost weight!" I can't tell, but thanks? (Now I feel bad for not being able to go out walking for a week, though. I kinda want to now, but the foot's still somewhat swollen and it's windy AF out. Never mind.) I also need to start my gigantic sontag shawl for the suffragist play over again--I was making size medium, which is huuuuuuuge as is, and frankly, I am going to run out of yarn before I finish it. Taking roughly half of it out and redoing it saves me some time/ordering yarn/money, at least. I just hope I finish it in time. Well, everything else I had on the list with a sooner due date is done, so time to plug away on this one.

Other than that, I watched the first episode of Loki and it's excellent, so excellent I watched it twice. Too bad Penguin Girl went to Hawaii so I can't ask her what she thinks.

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