Chaos Attraction

I Just Emailed

2021-06-11, 10:29 p.m.

Here is what I did today at work beyond my usual daily chores (luckily I had no work meetings and I cleared the docket of about everything else pretty quickly):

(a) I emailed over 330 international people about how they should not mail their Important Documents to their home countries. I probably got at least around 100 responses back, I think (I didn't count at the end of the day for those, just the how many sent). Frankly, I think this is worth my time even if my boss would argue, because as far as I can tell, only maybe two people seem to have actually gotten the damn comm. The person I wrote to yesterday said they got it, and I got ONE random signup from someone I hadn't emailed. But otherwise, all of these people would have had the damn things lost in the mail and since we have to replace them the first time for free, that's a lot of of money, time, angst and screaming saved. Hopefully I can cram out sending the other 90ish Monday or so before anyone notices.

(b) There were two book publishing conferences online today, so I watched some of their presentations (by which I mean, listened while emailing).

(c) Stitches was running this weekend, so I watched some of their presentations in the afternoon. God, I will miss working from home when I can't do this any more. And I will note that I CAN STILL GET WORK DONE while running this stuff in a corner of a giant screen.

In other news from the Giant Org: (a) Starting next Friday, you no longer have to take a test in order to be permitted to go onto their territory if you are vaccinated and proved it. I may consider going back to the gym under those circumstances, at least. Huzzah! (b) The giant org is going to make vaccination an official requirement as of July 15. I'm very curious (but won't ask) what Grandboss is going to do since she wants to refuse it. I'll note that one of the places Shanna works is highly likely to require it as well, but they didn't say anything about that. Also hmmmm.

My foot is a lot better today, I think it's like, half less swollen than it was yesterday. Like the inside angle of my foot is totally back to normal and the outside angle seems somewhat less puffy. May be able to walk around on the weekend after all, we'll see. And my toe actually looks somewhat normal and not like it was eaten by a werewolf.

After work we had rehearsal for the suffragist play, rehearsing Act 1. It went well, mostly just working out background stuff and transitions and whatever. I definitely feel like Subtext really kicked in well in a few places. Like Carol has a line about "we could picket the mayor's office" and tonight everyone was all "duh, that's because Alice is having a feud with the mayor, that makes it really funny." Marge put some excellent subtext into the line "Maggie kept a lot of things to herself. He" (the rapist babydaddy) "was one of them." Then I thought "hoooooo boy, did she EVER keep that to herself!" And it dawned on Kelly and I that our lines about "hey, haven't seen you in awhile" is pretty funny when Carol and Sarah just saw each other at a protest meeting a few scenes earlier, hah. So that got changed. We also noted that for all Sam went on about wanting to watch Doctor Who (and remember, no VCR in 1970), he got so caught up in the mystery that he missed it!

Quotes: Kelly: "Marge, are you there?" Marge: "Yeah, physically." Matt: "I'm really enjoying being a part of this process." Matt is in 3 plays right now, one of which is now IRL. Me: "OMG, you actually have to leave the house and do work!" Matt: "I learned the lines of John Falstaff in Merry Wives in four days. I get to dine out on that for the rest of my life." Kelly on listening to me going on about knitting groups: "These ladies are so crazy, I gotta write a play about it." Marge on a theater in her area: "It only has room for 60 butts."

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