Chaos Attraction

Generic Name

2022-06-12, 10:19 p.m.

I actually slept pretty well, only woke up once, didn't have to get up until 10ish...very nice. I have been getting tired/going to bed somewhere between 8ish and 10ish, which is really fucked up for a night owl, but then I'm waking up way too early, still tired but unable to sleep again after about 5 hours. Saturday night I didn't get to go to bed until 12:30 or so-- we got back around 11:30 and then Mom STILL HAD TO CLEAN OFF THE BED (I note I texted her at 8:30 a.m. to ask her to do that...see how well that went) and I was literally falling asleep on the bathroom floor until she finished. I woke up after 5 hours to go to the bathroom still, but at least managed to go back to sleep again for once.

We went out to brunch with Roger, which was fun. Roger has a common enough first name and a super generic last name. I note he is a retired nuclear physicist and thus worked at high powered governmental things. Well, there were two of him working at the lab he was working at, and one day he flashes his badge and they very politely but firmly won't let him in, until it occurs to someone to check his middle name. Turns out the other Roger got arrested for being caught with pot on his boat* and got fired/persona non grata at the lab, and they were politely apologetic to Roger once they figured out it was the other one. Roger immediately got his middle initial added onto his ID, and his coworkers thought it was hilarious to cover his office with stories of the other Roger's crime. Moral of the story: if you got a common name and a middle name/initial, use it!

* Note: according to AncestryDNA I'm related to SOMEONE with his name...hahahahah. He doesn't think it's him. Maybe it's Pot Guy?
** Apparently you can bring your boat to work, but it WILL be searched...

Oh, and as an FYI on the "is the school mascot a horse or cow?" question: My mom actually got it correct on horse. Roger just utterly failed. "Bulldog?" Not even close, buddy.

After that, I went back to Mom's, packed up my stuff, left to go home, got groceries going home...nothing exciting there.

Craftwise, I am actually doing pretty well on the Encanto skirt hem. I finally finished the third dark teal layer, added about 8 rows of light teal to finish the top hem, and then cast on a row of stitches at the back of the light teal to add the second layer of hem. (Second layer of hem?! This sounds insane.)

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