Chaos Attraction

Play Drama

2021-06-30, 7:01 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
I Can't Think Of A Title, Who Cares - 2021-07-05
A Normal Fourth of July - 2021-07-04
Yarn Shopping - 2021-07-03
Short Update - 2021-07-02
Work Trends - 2021-07-01


Cast list as of November 2019

Work: the relative usual. I had to go back to working on the Other Important Documents I used to do in droves this time of year, as Hope has gotten overwhelmed with them all, as is what happens at this time this year. I got a lot of that done, at least. Tomorrow, phones. Shoot me now, please.

Play drama:

I don't feel like I want to get into huge ugly details, but someone in the suffragist play, a longtime friend of Kelly's, has always kinda been lazy and slacker-y about doing it, even though the character is based on him. Like, at one point we were debating replacing him AND had a good candidate--but that one couldn't do green screen backgrounds and friend guy said he could, so friend guy gets to continue. Then oops, friend guy couldn't do backgrounds any more, he's "too dumb" to figure it out. He wasn't doing too great in the show, plus was late on cues plus bungled up a line....but at this point I'm like, welp, that's what's going on here, he's her friend, he's clearly gonna do what he wants to here.

Today, this dude was all "you could totally cut my character out and give the lines to other people" and got all mansplainy about it, and generally sounded passive-aggressively jerkassedly....uh, yeah. To the point where I was all "you know what? If he feels like that, don't involve him in this any more. If we re-record, we do it without him." (Too bad Kelly insists on having someone with backgrounds doing it, that'll limit options and we don't have anyone else we know who can anyway...but her show, up to her to figure that bit out.) Like, it's a good thing he's on the other coast because I want to kick him in the ping pong balls. Dude, if you don't wanna, just SAY you don't wanna, others have before. But in my experience, a lot of people will just stop talking to you or be flaky or in this case, passive aggressive, so.

So yeah, isn't it fun to be disappointed in friends? Another friend of hers that was formerly involved in the show and dropped out for moving/dog drama also did some jerky behavior (hanging out with someone's abusive ex) and well, it's a fun week for Kelly friendwise, sigh.

Then Shanna now wants the video deleted off the Internet because it's not perfect (more or less), and I was all "delete it after we re-record it, assuming that we do, but right now I sent it to a few people and I don't want them to complain if they can't find it" and Kelly was all "I'm moving and not going to tackle this issue for a few weeks" and just .....argh, drama bout drama.

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