Chaos Attraction

Drunk and Cross Stitching Again

2022-07-01, 2:52 p.m.

Rabbit rabbit!

Arielle is back to performing this weekend (I checked). She also sent me an adorable unicorn emoji thing.

I submitted my claim for covid test reimbursement with my HMO, but I strongly suspect they will reject it because (a) I bought it off and not some "medical provider," and (b) afterwards I saw that they'd reimburse for 8 tests a month (um, what, and why wasn't that said earlier?) and I ordered 10. Grrrrrr.

Work: This is a non-interesting thing but what the heck. Pre-pandemic ago (circa 2018-19 or so) there was this big deal about how SuperBigBoss wanted a chief of staff. BigBoss at the time applied for it and then they turned down all the applicants, which was embarrassing. Eventually some dude was hired for the job, pandemic happened, the last SBB left so he was working for the interimSBB, blah de blah. I really didn't pay much attention to this dude since this is way above my level, but it got announced today that this guy's job has been eliminated and won't be replaced, and apparently the guy asked that people not be notified of this until the day after his last day. Which is...weird on two levels. I don't know the guy to know about the last bit of that or why he'd do that, but straight up unemploying someone and laying them off doesn't happen around here, we just wait for people to leave/retire on their own and then don't rehire.

I only mention this because it makes me wonder how that's going to go for the budget requests from yesterday... if they're already cutting budget, aw shit.

My boss had a meeting with people who work for the Gods of the Giant Org today--we're reformatting something they get and she figured they needed to approve it--and they said "yeah, all GO does is rubber stamp." Gee, WOULDN'T IT BE NICE IF WE DIDN'T HAVE TO GET THEIR RUBBER STAMP ON EVERYTHING, THOUGH? Like 18 people have asked for exceptions to the rules right here, isn't that more annoying than just letting us get on with our work without their stamping? She was all "that's why IBB gets paid the big bucks" (to try to argue against this) and I was all "yeah, but so far everyone higher than us has flaked out on this." She was all "I live in hope..."

In other news: went out to lunch with Rachel again, were talking about cute things like theater and dogs and stuff like that.... I was happy that the proselytizing guy who is out there every effing day at lunch (he rides his bike back and forth while saying that we're all going to hell, especially the gay and trans people, etc) wasn't there. Sadly, he was just late and showed up at 12:25, ranting on about how we are all going to get shot down like Sodom and Gomorroh ("that's why it's the Dead Sea!") and lakes of fire and that's what he likes best about God. That he strikes down people is what he likes best. You know what? It does NOT sell me on Jesus and God to hear that God hates everyone and wants to strike them dead. It doesn't make me want to hang out with that guy. It's probably a good thing he's too busy running his mouth to no one to hear our commentary about this.

After that, I FINALLY got to go home, and got drunk and cross stitched on the patio while reading about Harry S Truman. NERD.

I am a little jealous that Scott and Arielle are reuniting tonight, hugging, being A Couple together on stage, most likely. Sigh. I want to go see him (I won't until Tuesday) tomorrow and claim I need to get more yarn...sheesh.

I'm watching yet another Pick A Card about your future spouse (Pile 2 ). She said it's a friends first relationship, could already be present in your life right now.
"Great happiness in this connection."
"I feel you will commit with this person for a very long time. Spirit said until death."
"Already establishment of connection."
"They are already in your life and want to say something SO BADLY. I feel like it's very soon."
"Like a matter of a couple of months, this person will bring some clarity to the situation" and then there will be a decision. I note this is dated June 30, 2022....They are hesitant to shift their feelings. "Maybe even less than two months for some people." In the charms bowl, an S and a heart.

Yeah, yeah, I know....

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