Chaos Attraction

Shaking Ass To The Entire Town

2022-07-04, 2:58 p.m.

(Redhead) Sarah apparently saw my emoji comment on Scott's flirting post and found it funny and posted a laugh emoji to that.. Obviously I had no communication with him on that one or anything else :P

It was another semi-lazy day, though I wasn't as tired (though still not sleeping much) and did more things. I caught up on my cross stitch through the end of June, huzzah! With no issues either. I was going to start on July and then realized that I can't seem to figure out the positioning of the starts of the spiral until around day 11, so....

Otherwise, I went to Target (super exciting), worked on my singing, and then worked on posting old journal entries. Got through April and May and had plenty of Evita flashbacks. I also wrote all these entries messily out of order on and had to spend a lot of time sorting all that shit out. Kinda exhausting. I also put a binder together of murder mystery stuff (Emeri texted to suggest studying a few popular scripts since the show theme hasn't been picked yet) but didn't get too far in reading what to rehearse, did the dishes, and even cleaned the bathroom. I really did almost everything on my list of stuff to work on this weekend except work on the skirt hem. Good for me.

Around six I went to the park for the 4th festivities. I went to the DMTC booth where they were offering popcorn and cotton candy and got some of the latter and got to watch Steve operate the machine (pretty cool). Dannette, Mary Young, Don, Steve, and then later saw Jan, Morgan (hugged her) and Hugo. I went before they got pretty busy.

I will note that I had this conversation with Steve:
Him: "Where's Scott?"
Me: "In Vacaville."
Him: "Why is he there?"
Me: "He lives there?"
Him: "He spends every night in Davis." (Not with me, alas. Didn't say that.)
Me: "He has family....and I don't..." (walks away sad)
So yeah, Steve is neither blind nor stoopid on that topic...especially after the last time we all saw each other, what with all the hugging. Someday I wonder if I'm going to have a conversation with him about it.

It took awhile to round up all of the people I was seeing that day--there were a lot of phone calls and missed calls, but eventually I found Rae and her caregiver Daniela (who is a smart sweetie) and got them food and found a spot to picnic at. Rae and I danced to the bands for hours. Ashley, Debbie and Bea's roommate (I guess Bea didn't want to go) came later.

Seriously, partied my ass off there, basically. I have now shaken my ass to the entire town :P And the fireworks were amazing. Probably the best fireworks ending I've ever seen--very rainbow.

I had a very good time hanging out with people, mind you. 15987 steps on my watch after this. Rae is an adventurous dancer, for sure. She ran into various people she knew, one of them being a kid a few years younger than her and she danced very gently with him than compared to me, hah hah. She also got herself a rainbow lightsaber with a dino head on the top that roared and had fun with that. I also note she had rainbow eye makeup with red/orange/yellow on one eye and green/blue/purple on the other, courtesy of Daniela, which I loved and want to try myself sometime.

I also got two fliers for shows to see in July, which sounded very promising.

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