Chaos Attraction

"Special" Beach #1

2007-07-11, 11:37 a.m.

For those asking about the dating opportunities in Hawaii,
(a) did you read yesterday?
(b) there is a line from the otherwise execrable movie Six Days, Seven Nights that sums it up: "If you don't bring it here, you won't find it here." Thank you, Harrison Ford.

(We had to watch the movie because it was shot here. Why did they cast Anne Heche? She's terrible!)

I was in a really cranky mood this morning. We had to get up at the ass crack of dawn to go to Ke'e Beach, halfway around the island, "before it gets too crowded." I know it's blasphemy to say in Hawaii, but I didn't want to spend all day long at the beach. More specifically, I didn't want to spend all day long going to and coming from the beach, especially when there were perfectly beautiful beaches right by where we were staying. Between two hours there, two hours spent on the beach, two hours back, potty breaks and food breaks, we didn't do much during daylight hours that wasn't beach-related. (Which is to say, I would have liked to have seen some other stuff in the day, for chrissake.)

Also, I was getting pretty dang ticked at everyone for little things. Like my aunt constantly whining about how "hot" and "stuffy" it was in Hawaii (which usually led to the air conditioning being cranked up to frigid in the car- even more fun when you're sitting in a wet suit for 2 hours). Good god, woman, where you live it's 110 degrees right now and you think THIS is hot?!?!

Likewise, everyone else was getting ticked off at each other. Cassie wasn't speaking to people all that much and Mom would pout, "She acts like she just doesn't want to be with us!" I was annoyed at her for having no concept of why anyone might be cranky after 12 days of uninterrupted family time.

And in general, Mom was screaming her head off at me to shut up every single day and not to contradict anything my aunt or uncle said. Then I'd yell at her to shut up. Oy.

Though to be fair, Ke'e Beach was actually a very, very nice one.

It actually had shade in the morning, so I lounged around reading and digging my toes into the soft sand (so nice after Hawaii, which practically has no sand, it's so rocky) for awhile before going swimming. I don't seem to be much of a beach lounger, but this beach was completely perfect for doing so. Downright fantasylike.

After that, we went to Bubba's Burgers (more photos starting here), which is apparently a favorite spot of celebrities such as various rock stars and Bill Clinton.

We did get to hit one fabric store while we were there. Even though I was a "good girl" and didn't buy any fabric, i still managed to spend $50 anyway on one cool shirt and a handmade fabric and kukui nut lei. *sigh*

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