Chaos Attraction

Brutus Is An Honorable Man

2021-07-13, 11:07 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Last Day of Shrek - 2021-07-18
Shrek Night Four - 2021-07-17
Ninety Percent Bad - 2021-07-16
First Camelot Rehearsal - 2021-07-15
Back In The Office Again - 2021-07-14


Cast list as of November 2019

Work: hah, by the time I'm getting around to this I forget what happened at work, other than griping about how the Gods of the Giant Org are ridiculous, and one girl managed to get around them by finally contacting the Vice Something Or Other, and I seriously wish we could get everyone to do that. Oh, and my boss told a story about hauling the kids to summer camp, getting there and finding out they didn't have their stuff, getting super ticked off and being THAT'S IT, WE'RE TURNING AROUND AND GOING HOME, then five minutes into being home, realizes she'll be stuck with them all day being annoying and she's already paid for this came, then TURN AROUND WE'RE GOING BACK TO CAMP!!!!! The kids apologized.

I had therapy today, therapist was calling from lying down in bed (I offered to cancel if she needs it, but we went on) and we talked about my desires to stand out--where it's safe--vs. wanting to hide (i.e. work). "You stand out right now in ways you don't want to" there. I have the wrong instincts for this job. She said I don't normally do things the traditional way and I'm willing to be quirky. Also "fuck reality, what's reality?" and then I whined more about whether or not to bug people to go to karaoke and how I always have Expectations and pout when people don't go even when I am trying to be Okay with it. She said I need to cope with it diffrently.

After work, I did the following: (a) Went to the music store and bought a book on 16 bar musical theater songs, so I can audition for actual musicals in the future. (b) Hiked around the nearby Arroyo Park area for about an hour to get some exercise in and tried out some of their exercise machines. (c) Went over to DMTC to (a) drop off my shirt with its missing bow, (b) get fitted for Camelot costumes, (c) pick up script/music, (d) take a tour of the theater (e) watch a bit of video, (f) hear crazy stories from Steve about his medical ailments and his awful ex-lawyer. (d) went to Target to buy tights for the costumes, and then threw in soap, highlighters, tomorrow's lunch because god knows I didn't bother to pack one, and some Pepsi Mango soda since I can't find orange vanilla Coke. (The cashier feels like I do on this topic of loving creamsicle floats and my saying I bought that stuff to see if it works.)

Okay, notable things from DMTC: (a) Jean (costume mistress) glued the bow on with gorilla glue, put it in a vise, and then I picked up the shirt and it immediately fell off again. "I'll give it to you Thursday." (b) Tried on medieval dresses, which are lovely. Got a light green one with flowered tabard for "Lusty Month of May" and a pink one for the rest of the show. Got a tour of the entire costume facilities and a hairdresser recommendation. Told Jean about getting my hair done and she was all "Yeah, do NOT get it done before the show's over" and I was all "warned Jan it'll be blonde or red, she said it's fine, got any hair recommendations?" (c) Watched a wee bit of Mary Poppins callbacks. Nobody I recognized other than the girl who played Maria in Sound of Music and auditioned for Shrek (I don't know her but she's distinctive), a 20something guy appears to be directing it. Then all the tappers got on stage--good lord, it's a lot--and Jean made a crack about how all the tappers need to be making noise. True dat. Apparently no little girls auditioned for Jane somehow, so they'll have to recruit or something. I also heard "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" and was all "Oh yeah, that would be the other song I don't necessarily want stuck in my head for months. Yeah, glad I didn't audition for this. Also, I do not tap." Jean and I made comments about toe shoes being loud enough/messing up one's feet as is. I saw a "Brian" mentioned at auditions, that might be the one I'm supposed to be partnering with in LMoM? Perhaps? Who knows, common name. (c) Found out that oh, there is a rehearsal this Thursday. Okey-dokey! I am free then anyway! I watched some rehearsal videos with Jan, who pointed out "this is who you're replacing....this one dropped out, this one dropped out, this one dropped out..." (d) Got the script/music printed out by Steve. Then hung out with him for like an hour--he gave me a tour of the tech booth (apparently they got SO MUCH FREE TECH from the nearby-ish casino! like holy shit!) and showed me the tablet he uses for putting the tech on for shows. He also told me about his various crazy medical ailments and how he had an opoid (spelling?) addiction for awhile because he was on so many painkillers. He went to Disneyland and everyone kept hitting him with strollers until he started yelling about why are there so many kids at Disneyland? The staff was all "are you not feeling well, sir? Is there anything we can do?"

And the best part was a super crazy story that made me go, "Dude, you should do storytelling sometime." Let's see if I can give the short version: (a) He went to Big Idea Theater, they had some kind of propped-up tiered seating that was like a foot and a half off the ground and he fell off it and super damaged his knee and back a LOT. (b) He had a lawyer friend who was helping him sue and the lawyer "friend" pocketed the money. (c) Steve got him arrested and straight up disbarred, which is a very happy ending. Steve noticed that he went all "Brutus is an honorable man" during his testimony, because he's theatrical, and his lawyer said he could say whatever he wanted as long as he was honest and didn't swear, the first judge was in favor of Steve, second judge was going to make the lawyer pay Steve $50 a month (the fuck?) and the third judge was all "turn in your financial paperwork or both you and your public defender get arrested" and more money was eventually brought in. Yay.

Okay, I should attempt to go to bed. Actually have to physically GO TO WORK tomorrow, sigh.

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