Chaos Attraction

You Are My Favorite Miniseries

2022-07-17, 3:24 p.m.

It's been a pretty nothing/lazy day. Attempted to sleep in. Got gas, got the car washed, picked up a few groceries. It seems too hot to do anything else like hang out inside or go to the fair (over 100), so I have been watching Umbrella Academy and working on projects. I'm caught up on the temperature gauge cross stitch through yesterday, and I finished binding off the hem on the Encanto skirt and I started a sleeve on the sweater. I should do some typing projects or something.

Sent Scott pics of the bathroom signs from yesterday, no response, I'm irritated. Yeah, yeah, could be for any reason, but ticked anyway. Like, did he not find that funny? SIGH. Haven't heard from him all weekend (okay, so that's normal, but I did text pics), so grrrrr.

I did update a certain discussion website re: the date and got told by the lady (Jennifer Crusie) who runs it, "You are my favorite mini-series." I love this.

Oh, and Ashley called wondering if she should go to the ER or not. Her heart is acting up and she doesn't feel good, but not bad enough to kill her, her mom is in the house but she keeps trying to call her dad who is AWOL, if she goes to the ER it somehow means she can't go to an appointment on Friday...I originally said 'go to the ER," but she's 22, she knows more about her heart condition than I do, it's up to her. Hope it doesn't get worse! Okay, she called back, Said she was considering going to the ER because she couldn't send the medical team her info, she drank more water, she's doing fine and her dad texted back :P

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