Chaos Attraction

What Was I Supposed To Do, Drag Somebody?

2022-07-18, 3:25 p.m.

Actual entry: more people out sick at work again, I made yet another large expensive fuckup at work again, I hate myself. I found another broken computer program, too. Whee.

I finished crocheting the hem of the Encanto skirt (it gets a bit of trim) and now is out blocking outside in the heat so hopefully it lies down a bit. Go me for finishing something.

Mom did say something extremely sweet today. She'd indicated that Roger had some kind of issue with Habit Burger over the weekend and I asked what it was and she said she didn't remember, he'd had some issue awhile back but might be willing at this point to get over it, why? I said well, if Scott does end up going to Lion King, I know that's a restaurant he can actually eat at (or Asian ones), so that's why I was asking. She said that she and Roger would leave on their own and not make things more stressful/nervous by forcing a meal upon him with all four of us, without them interfering, maybe do a meal later. And I thought, "That is so sweet and sensitive of her!" I said I'd give him the option to go home and eat alone (totally understand if he doesn't want to do any restauranting if he doesn't have to for now) or go back to Vacaville to eat, with or without me, or whatever he wants to do. Assuming he goes, anyway.

...and then she got on me for not introducing Scott at The Producers. Well, he hid in the back (I would too) and she and Roger kept staying in the front and wouldn't move, what was I supposed to do, DRAG SOMEBODY?!? Which I pointed out. Several times. Also, given how my friends and boyfriends over the years have had a wiiiiiiiide variety of reactions to meeting my mom, suffice it to say I'm really nervous on that particular topic. I don't have too many people deal with my family, for good reason. Meg and Jackie are the best at it, everyone else has an iffier experience. And god knows guys had a worse time of it, so....sigh. Who the hell knows.

This evening's activities were murder mystery rehearsal. The first hour was a lecture on Suspect Tips and Tricks by Genevieve, who does suspects 80% of the time and is A Character in her own right. She had a great lecture, then we were to pick a character from one of the shows and do a monologue. Most people did Masquerade, but I did Dr. Charlie Horse from Now You See It (the show I did), and had him spend the entire monologue grumbling about Val. "I'm a sports doctor. You know what sport she plays? Pickleball. For a DAY. Then she keeps coming in here with fake injuries. She just wants attention, like that giant diamond she bought." Genevieve hadn't seen/read the show but said, "I know what your vibe is! 10 out of 10!" Yay.

After that, we read the 80's script. Alas, I did not do so well at the monologue game in that one, because I got assigned a keytartist from Liverpool and fuck if I know from Liverpool accent. Tried to watch a video before we started but didn't get it down at all. I suggested we do an accent workshop :P

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