Chaos Attraction

Improv 301 3.0 Week 2: If You’ve Ever Been To A Gang Bang...

2016-07-21, 2:24 p.m.

Previous week here. Administrative note: I'm trying to get all these entries up months late and frankly, I don't remember all the details from the sketchy notes, so I'm probably leaving most of this in here without uh, any explanation.

Everybody has a go to thing
That’s not good
Try not to fall into the same type of character all the time
Character should come from pattern, or people you’ve met.

Group scene notes:
Anti scene because everyone’s unusual
Not a lot of justification or exploration of unusual
Make sure everyone is on board with one idea
Know after 2 hits
May morph a bit
Can be anything
Initiator has to hit their own pattern first to demonstrate
Third time someone hits it seals the pattern
Know where and who and pattern, don’t worry so much about why
If we are in a world we are more likely to do rather than talk
Can cut to and endow, walk on, use all your tricks
Controlled frantic. Frantic and not frantic at the same time.
“If you’ve ever been to a gang bang…”
“Everybody starts coming out and jumping the shit out of it.”
Make definite decisions
If you’re not sure what’s going on, go for it, be sure in your own mind

Follow the follower warmup
Environmental charades. Mine: garden, gym, strip club.
Build a band: bluegrass, classical, blues man, band practice, doo wop. He said this class has been way more successful at build a band than other classes

More notes:
The four pre done scenes again
People not really getting the horror movie tropes
Creepy tent confessional
Repeatable moments
Don’t pimp people into going
Seductive bedroom objects (sheets, mood lighting, anal beads)
Harold should be a very loose thing
“fuck the rules”
Make a bold choice and go with it
“Don’t be afraid to break rules”
“fuck da police” “Well, we all interpret things differently.”
“Was it after I let George put his anal beads in me?”
“One of Brian’s great notes that don’t make much sense.”

Dance moves

Monologues, then group scenes:
1. State Fair pokemon night, bumping into each other.
2. Showing off at the beach and getting stung by a jellyfish
3. How tough I am by putting poisonous animals on me
“So you always edit on crushing hamsters.”
As he focuses on the idea of jellyfish and peeing, you sure do like peeing on things, Brian…

MacGyver dinner, trying to eat fake healthy stone soup

At Improv Jam that night I played an old lady into a kids horse porn book club, an NSA agent with pants down, and somebody watching guys take photos and fight.

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