Chaos Attraction

The Three Musketeers

2022-07-22, 3:31 p.m.

Work: I was stuck working allllllll daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay today. Did a lot of trainings and babysitting of panicking emails. Which I was absolutely here to answer. SIGH.

After work, I went to go see "The Three Musketeers," Ken Ludwig version. I've seen Three Musketeers before--our Shakespeare company did it years ago--but I think this must be a pretty different version. As per Emily's last direction of Pride and Prejudice, this is a wee bit more modern on the language, but tons of fun and nothing really took you out of it thinking, "This feels very wrong period-wise"* a la the complaints about Persuasion of late. I really enjoyed the heck out of it. As per Acme Theater, the genders are all over the map. The fancier ladies had some really awesome dresses I was drooling over. And they had TONS OF FIGHT SCENES and they were really well done for high schoolers. Like SO many people fighting with swords at once and stabbing and trying to kill each other and slapping each other and WOWZA, good job!

Well, except for one girl wearing a random bucket hat that wasn't even close to period (why?????), and one person with what I can only describe as "mushroom hair," i.e. short sides and POOF top. This one was playing ladies most of the time without any kind of headgear and I kept wishing they'd, I dunno, look a little less modern with that? Get some hats, maybe? On a related note, there's an actor at Woodminster with shaved sides hair who was in Something Rotten and Man of La Mancha and I can't help but wish his hair looked Okay, so I really hate shorter-than-the-rest-of-the-hair side hairdos by default anyway, but they look terrible and way too modern for historical works.
One lady in the audience (in a tie-dye mask) approached me and said her daughter reads while knitting too. Awesome! Daughter was there, not knitting, but nodded along.

I also approve that they required masks and the performers were masked, thank goodness.

I saw an advice request the other day about someone where it sounded like he and she liked each other, but they have disabilities/not much experience with dating and it sounds like she kinda freaked and said "let's just be friends." I was all OH HAI I LIVE THIS LET ME PRETEND TO GIVE YOU ADVICE ON THE TOPIC. Some people essentially said this happened to them, they patiently waited it out but didn't pressure the person and eventually they were comfortable enough to get together and all was well, other people were all "respect the no, she's not interested." I said it's quite different if you know they likey-like you back as opposed to if they do not, and at this point he and I are pretty well cuddling in public and stuff.

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