Chaos Attraction

Online Shoe Shopping

2021-07-24, 11:24 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Delta Ruins Everything - 2021-07-30
Back to Hallmark Movies In Summer - 2021-07-28
Masks Again - 2021-07-27
Karaoke Bingo - 2021-07-26
UOB Karaoke - 2021-07-25


Cast list as of November 2019

Today: woke up, watched Leverage, had to pull out several rows of my crochet because somehow I was like 60 stitches short (HOW?!?!), tried out my new egg cooking device, which turns out to be extremely tiny and not quite what I expected (I thought it was an instant omelet maker, which it is, but for egg).

I went to the Farmer's Market and bought myself another rainbow mask, which goes over the ears. I normally can't get over-the-ears ones to stay on and there's a vendor with gorgeous masks at FM, but they're almost all over the ears. I keep eyeing them but what's the point of buying them when they don't stay on.... but if I'm getting my hair done, I can't use my usual tie-ons. Actually, it did stay on when I tried it, huzzah.

I briefly talked to Ashley, who said she's watching a movie tonight, so presumably she is not going to karaoke (not sure if that means Jim isn't either?). I said the rest of the bunch might go, but who knows, I don't believe it until they show up. She also said, "I'm not supposed to be going out," as in "obviously I'm out right now anyway." Later Robert said they weren't coming, which figures. I say this at 2 p.m.: lemme guess, it's not going to happen after all? I can smell the vibe in the area of nobody's going to go already. DAMMIT, I've been looking forward to this all week and it's already going buh-bye.

Then I went hiking around the greenbelt for a few hours, which got more and more unpleasant as time went on, unfortunately, both for reasons of heat and for reasons of "my stomach decided it hated me and I was at least 45 minutes away from home and any bathrooms." No idea why, since I'd barely eaten anything all day and nothing offensive, but UCK. It's like fucking Murphy's Law and I spent the 45 minutes stressing, praying, and imagining the consequences. I felt wretched enough after all of that to stay inside for awhile after that.

There are a ton of lost cat posters in the neighborhood. TONS. However, now people are posting "Found Cat" posters? I'm hoping these line up for somebody sometime?

I got the second pair of shoes from Amazon. These are the same brand as the previous ones that didn't work, only in a size 7 rather than six. They are somewhat better--at least it fits in the toes--but still not 100% comfortable and perfect, unfortunately, I think they are going to slice up my heel because the heel is stiff and I can already feel it being somewhat of a problem walking across the apartment (groan). They come with inserts, but I know from previous experience that hot, sweating feet just make those wiggle and move and not stick and work, so....sigh. A third pair, i.e. the pair Jean wanted, are supposed to come tomorrow, so we'll see. Or if I have to cave in and go shoe shopping in person for stuff Jean may not want, sigh. I'll give it another 24 hours before I decide whether or not to return them.

You know what? There's no point in even considering the question of "whether or not to try to stay friends with Scott." He's simply not going to be around any more. Heck, this friend group is mostly pissing away anyway and Winters theater shows no signs of coming back, so what's the point? I was reading articles on how to get over a crush (acknowledge in your head, but keep going, even when awkward) while still having the person around, but....he won't be around.

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