Chaos Attraction

Going With Somebody Else

2022-07-24, 3:33 p.m.

This morning/early afternoon was spent on an online birthday party Zoom with the former manifestation group, all of which were on with me at some point or other, though Meg missed most people because she went off to a birthday Exploratorium trip circa 10:45. Jade, Doreen, and Val all have birthdays around now, so it was a catchup and chat party. A good time was had by all, I did have Jade check the dog sweater to see if she was good with it as is, she was, so that will be mailed sometime. She had a very good time hanging out with me on the trip, so yay there.

After that and having lunch, I went to pick up Rae at her mom's in Woodland, where I discovered that um....things were not going well over there. Rae has a mentally ill younger brother who has apparently been acting up all weekend, enough that her mom wanted to get the kids out of the house :/ ("What did he do?" I asked. Rae: "He was being a jackass.") I'm legitimately concerned that the kid may strike out at people, though Rae seemed more like she thought he'd end up in a hospital or group home or try to kill himself. Not a fun topic, obviously, so we didn't discuss it much, though I did find out later that Rae's mom also got Bea out of the house to go grocery shopping for the same reason :(

Anyway, I took Rae to various stores to look at Halloween merch, or not. She fell in love with a few items she ended up not buying, so good for her. (Rae's mom: "Window shopping is kind of torture for her. And anyone going shopping with her." Me: "Yeah, I was kind of feeling the same way about taking her shopping....") I only bought a water bottle during all of this, so good for me. Hopefully the damn thing doesn't leak, we'll see. (Upon testing it at home, I think sometimes it's still fucking leaking.)

She was in a cute Halloween dress, I was in a (requested) rainbow dress, and several people complimented our outfits throughout the day.

After that we went to Habit Burger for lunch and then over to her place to watch videos on the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Her mom and Bea came over around 5 to drop off groceries, at which point I figured I could take off, and so I did.

I note that while we were at Target, I found THIS PRODUCT. Vibrating Deadpool holding a unicorn to his crotch. IN THE TOY SECTION OF TARGET. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?! I admit I didn't find a price tag on the thing and figured it was reasonably pricey to buy as nothing but a silly joke, but I was kind of tempted. Of course, I texted the existence of this to Scott, and of course we made vibrating innuendo jokes about it. :)

Rehearsal: the battle scene. Two minutes and forty one seconds of running around and screaming, i.e. The Best Night of Rehearsal. Alas, my dreams of being a dancing napkin are foiled, as those are all going to the silly girls, i.e. Sexy Ones. Sigh....well, at least I don't have to get new shoes for that.

Only contact I had with Scott was (a) handing him the Something Rotten postcard and him saying he had to figure out when to go, and then (b) him indicating later he's going with someone else...unnamed, but take three guesses and the first two don't count as to why it's unnamed. I immediately walked off and left after that. Fucking figures. Guess I'll be avoiding him the rest of the week, after all this time. I'd be surprised if he actually asked, maybe she did or he took the hint or who knows. SIGH. Why do I fucking bother.

In other theater news, Tim and Anna dropped out and the newly joined Leo is out this week, leading to NO men in the ensemble. Shorthaired Sarah, as per "If there's no men, she gets the guy parts," gets Darque.

Steve: "Annie, you get your butt burned." Annie: "Yesssss!"

Sarah on Steve: "He always admits when he steals."

"I won't say hoes." -Steve, we heard you all say it.

Steve says this scene appeals to everyone who's 12, like him. Me: "We're all twelve here." Sarah: "Except for Giovanna." Me: "We'll work on that."

Me, watching Lefou be stupid enough to take an offer of a pot of tea: "You got knocked out by a pot and tea." Felicia: "That's some strong ceramic, right there."

Steve: "If you want to kick someone in the head, feel free."

Backstage conversation about why there's no men in town: does no one go for Lefou? (Probably gay.) How many kids has Gaston fathered in town? Did he take out all the other men?

"We're going to run it about 17 more times." -Steve, before letting us do it for filming and then leave early.

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