Chaos Attraction

Why Bother

2021-08-04, 10:24 a.m.

Work: yet another program we were supposed to be using broke today, my boss was pissed and has sent multiple tickets for fixes today. I managed to finish Big Quarterly Project Proofreading today--it took 3 hours, my boss did the first half or so and then I finished the other half. It's a lot. I wish she'd remember things like that when it's review time.

I am going to have to cover question answering on Slack a ton for the next week and a half since Lioness is out. I am not thrilled about this. And I have to immediately go back to work on September 1, sigh. And of course, have to physically go in tomorrow. Blech. Oh well, could be worse, will be worse.

Sat through another "design your perfect job" lecture and why did I bother? I don't feel like that shit works for me, especially the whole "core values" thing because my "core values" of "steady paycheck, not expendable, health insurance" doesn't go with literally anything I'd like to do otherwise. The lady said I'd just have to do that stuff as a volunteer job, which, true enough. Same old, same old.

After work, I got gas and went to the hippie co-op and picked up a bunch of premade food for lunch. I had sushi again (mermaid) for the first time in over a year. I really wanted something with crab in it and that's what they had, but I accidentally ate the wasabi and aieeee. I also finished my hibiscus skirt (gonna wear it tomorrow) and walked around for a bit. Nothing too exciting.

I really have nothing to say today, so why bother.

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