Chaos Attraction

More Mask Theater Drama

2021-08-10, 10:49 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Cue to Cue - 2021-08-15
Back in SF Again - 2021-08-14
On The Phones Again - 2021-08-13
Fudge The Van? - 2021-08-12
Masks and Theater Drama, Round Two - 2021-08-11


Cast list as of November 2019

This morning: had to go get my shot with a new nurse. I am not super thrilled with this nurse because she was all "I already scheduled you for a Pap smear in two days" and I was all "I have to ask my boss's permission first" and she was all "I already scheduled it." Whee. Then she was all "never mind, you don't have to make appointments for shots any more, just come in whenever, you got wrong information." I said "I was told that was because of Covid." "Well, you got wrong information from someone who isn't here any more." Whee.

Added bonus: Rae started texting a lot and then calling WHILE I was in said appointment. Bad timing there....she left a very sad voice mail on that. Well, hopefully she's ok, I explained I was busy at that moment.

Then I get back to work and find out that scheduling for in-person days is EVEN CRAZIER and "we're all going to have to sign up for days" because nobody wants to work Thursdays and Fridays even though I said I would because I can't go on a trip to see anyone any more, and they all want to work Tuesdays for some reason. Then I was all "see, I told you we're going to have changing schedules every single week that you're going to have to assign out every single week to account for doctor's appointments" and boss was making sad face about that. So I can't actually block out any appointments for the next shot in the future due to this. Sheesh.


On the good news side, even though the Gods of the Giant Org were asked to sign the magic piece of paper with their magic pen ASAP three days ago, please, they waited until the "deadline" to sign it. Sigh. Meanwhile I am getting snitty emails from "As you know, Bob, we can't get this fellow his license or credential or paycheck for the entire month of August because your organization can't get this done when we needed it to be done." WHEE. Oh, and then one of the programs we need to continue on with things broke last week and guess what, still hasn't been fixed! So guess what? Won't be getting your stuff ASAP if the computer program's broken!

Anyway. At some point, once again, we were down to nothing but weird emails I don't understand or know how to answer. And I was all "fuck it, why should I try with this stuff if I get no credit, no compliments, no "good job, you didn't suck, Jennifer," for any of this, and all I get is told how awful I am?" I'm not putting extra effort into this place any more.

I was supposed to watch this Q&A/info session on the therapy-ish class that my therapist wanted me to sign up for today. Except the lady didn't show the hell up: I logged in and got "The host is in another meeting" and "if you are the host, please login." Uh..... so that never happened :P The hell? This does not thrill me that I already paid the money for this thing and she already did a flake n' bail.

So instead I ended up watching the Stitches preview for September classes. I saw one for crocheted socks that Ashley might be into. No interest from her on that, but whatever.

Camelot rehearsal:

Fun facts: * Steve has 2 drawers worth of shirts from shows, Jan has 4. (I note that they wear show shirts constantly.) * Mitch, the new Camelot, has a beard-sized mask. * Overheard Tomas recounting that they had to learn the show, do the show for one weekend, have to end to show, forget the show, remember the show, do tech week all over again.... * "That was an evil laugh." -Steve * "I will HUNT you, love." -Kimmy

The rehearsal started (of sorts) with a long speech by Kimmy, who....I'm not sure what exactly she does, stage managing/props/lights for this show, I guess? (Oh, and apparently she's married to Brian, surprise.) Anyway, she gave a very long talk about masks. "Nobody's happy about them. Nobody likes them." Big rant about that. Anyway, both she and Steve are (constantly, like at 2 a.m. even in Steve's case) calling the county health department begging them to let us not wear masks in the shows. Blah blah chain of command, government timeline, the decision is entirely made by the director and who knows if/when that decision will ever be made. The Bay Area and Sacramento have plans for actors, but this county does not. Here, "we do not fit into a category that is normal." The director only has final say, nobody else can do anything. "Some counties are like going up against a brick wall." Added bonus: there is a small child (Matthew) under twelve in this show in the last scene. ("Matthew's not here, right? This sucks.") They can't make any allowances for kids. They may have to have masks on for just the one scene the kid is in.

Also, after 1.5 years of grants, this theater may not survive without Camelot going on. They expect Mary Poppins to be a hit, but virtual didn't make money and was more to keep the actors engaged. "Without Camelot we will have a problem."

We were told that the Woodland theater is also asking about this, but they are only requiring masks at their theater--no proof of vaccination there (eeek). Woodland plans on using some kind of strange clear mask called "Minglo Mask (unsure on spelling--Mingle?)" that they use for food preparation. Kimmy demonstrated the wearing of the official Clear Mask, which looks large/gappy/weird, and said "they're hotter than heck." Cloth ones would be easier to breathe in. "I would love to be able to poke holes in the mask." (Uh, defeats the purpose there.) Joe (Arthur) noted that it also crushes your hair. Most people won't have mics on, so gotta project. And you can't reuse them.

Anyway, even though Kimmy can "kiss butt really well on the phone" and has made a lot of calls and whatnot, there's no verdict on this and god only knows when there might be one and you may very well have to perform in masks--are you okay with that? Tomas and I said we were in it (Tomas was all "as long as it isn't virtual" and Kimmy was all "we are never doing virtual again," and Steve was all "500 hours of editing" later), but they said if you didn't want to keep doing the show with masks on, talk to Jan privately later. They brought this up now as more of a "are we going to end up rehearsing AT ALL" sort of thing. They did say they were fine with you keeping a mask on if you want to even if they got permission not to.

Jan got up and said there were 800 season ticket holders and I think she was about to cry. "This may go on for the next 6-7 months." It might go on as far as Titanic. ("We already have one disaster in Titanic." -Steve. "What, does the boat sink?" -Kimmy).

There were reports of some other show (not specified enough for me to know which one) where the actors would pull down their masks to talk and then put them back, and some show where supposedly half the audience walked out at intermission because they had to have masks on (the fuck?). "If they all leave at the end of Act 1 I'll be very offended," said Joe.

Anyway, I didn't see anyone approach Jan privately, though for all I know that might have happened after we left.

Things rehearsed: the jousting song, some walking on scenes in which we stand around, meet the king and queen, sing a tiny bit of backup to Nimue. Of course I was the most into the jousting scene, and one guy complimented me afterwards at how well I am doing for having not been here before. Hooray!

Smartassery I can recall to write down later: * Steve heads to the bathroom, saying, "I'll be back." Jan says something like "suuuuure, he will." Someone else points out she's the only one who can say that and get away with it. * Steve pulled a tendon this weekend, he's fine. (Injured again....) * The knights rehearsed bringing out the skinniest of them on a stretcher. The guys holding the stretcher didn't enjoy rehearsing this bit so much. * At one point Brian pointed out, "Can't we change the names of Lionel and Sagamore in the song?" Which is a good suggestion, albeit might make everyone be a little off trying to redo it. (Unsure if licensing would allow that one.) * Some conversation went on about Green Acres, Steve noted that the guy on the show ended up in...I forget how he phrased it, some kind of hell world or something? I said Oliver deserved it for making Lisa go there. * Molly and I got amused at the idea of combining the two shows into "Mary Camelot" (Mary Poppins was rehearsing in the lobby). * Steve made a comment about the knights here fighting with Geritol. * One guy's opening line of the show is "My sainted mother!" Andi was all "It sounded like my satan mother."

I have a small off feeling in my throat. Sometimes feels like tickle/about to cough, off and on. Not constant. Not bad. Vaguely in and out. I admit possibly this comes from a lot of singing and not a lot of drinking onstage, as the last couple of nights I've gone home to drink/eat soothing things/where's the ice cream.

Uh-oh. Should I be freaking out now? It's day 4....

I got asked to teach at the CC again in winter. The girl wrote a very nice email about understanding if you're not willing to come back, and I sent her this entire rant about how I can't make plans six months in advance, having no idea what I'm agreeing to and how safe/unsafe it might be at that point in time, and hell, I agreed to something in mid-July that's no longer safe by August and ARGGGGGGGGGGGH. You get the drift. Hell, Rae and her mom are making weekend plans and I am hoping I am not sick by Friday/Saturday....

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