Chaos Attraction

Vanilla Ice Cream

2022-08-18, 8:18 p.m.

Work: same old same old kind of day as usual, same old shit and problems and feelings. Did have a staff meeting in which most hirings are still, as usual, up in the air. They mentioned a position being transferred from another office to this one....I have no qualifications for that and no interest in what it's doing, but if it's a fresh position, maybe I should consider it. He also brought up the staff survey and said the common theme was most people weren't sure how to advance their careers and what the options were. He said he wants people to be happy and not leave, but if they want to branch out, he'll support that.
After work, I watched She-Hulk. I love the She-Hulk show and the Jen-and-Bruce show so much. They are adorable. "The triggers are anger and fear." "That's every woman just existing." Oh my god, such a female take on this. "I control my anger all the time...or I might just literally get murdered."

Then I had singing lesson with Morgan, talking "Vanilla Ice Cream." Mostly focusing on the quicktalking part and the oh-dear-god-opera part. Hoooooooooo boy, that's hard. Well, at least I could do the notes for a long time, there's something. She didn't think I sucked too bad at it, I think?

After that, I went to the county fair, which Steve and Jan and Dannette had been at since like 4:30 (Arthur arrived around when I did but was off getting food). Steve very nicely checked when I was leaving and told me where to find them, so I hung out with them getting ice cream and going in the craft building for a bit. They left circa 8:45 or so and I finished looking at the remaining buildings (4-H, paintings, commercial) within oh, 15 minutes of that...I think I was there less than 2 hours? I did end up getting vanilla ice cream though, hah hah.

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