Chaos Attraction

Watching Titanic Online

2021-08-26, 11:17 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Actual Emotional Clearing - 2021-08-31
Cancellations - 2021-08-30
Covid Scare 2 - 2021-08-29
Close Call - 2021-08-28
"Subclinical" - 2021-08-27


Cast list as of November 2019

As far as I have figured out, this is the timeline: (a) Sunday afternoon we do the last show of the week. (b) Monday 2 a.m. Dannette wakes up feeling ill (c) Monday morning (undetermined) she gets tested with both saliva and up the nose at work. (d) Monday 10:30 a.m. Steve talks to somebody or other about getting the mask mandate relaxed. (Bad idea.) (e) Monday 1:20 p.m. Dannette's saliva test comes back positive but possibly doubtful. (f) Monday 3:30 p.m. Steve and Jan get tested. (g) Tuesday 9:20 p.m. Steve, Jan and Arthur are reported as coming back negative on the test. (h) Wednesday 10:54 a.m. Dannette's nose test comes back positive.

Show news today: (a) Dannette is feeling almost normal today. Huzzah! (b) Amy reported that she got both tests done yesterday and is in the clear and got another test today just in case. (c) I am also in the clear for yesterday. Whew.

Work: still dealing with emails that I don't know how to answer and spending 25 minutes on international student drama, whatever. Otherwise quiet except for The Emails. Lots of urgent urgent urgent and my boss wasn't available for too much, so....

Rae called during lunch today, "I hate school!" I'm all, well that was a switch from 24 hours ago. (In my head I was totally laughing. Most kids hate school immediately! It took her until day 2, I thought!) Why do you hate it? Some girl at school has a peanut allergy and threw a fit when Rae had peanut butter. Well, that happens. Yes, that can kill you. Now you know to eat it at home. That's life with food allergies for ya. In other news, the adult school is somehow moving from the high school to the college so Rae will have to take the bus. (The "autism bus." There's an autism bus? Just for one thing?! Well, I guess that makes it easier to not have to keep track of public stops.) Later, Rae's entire reaction to me testing negative was "Cool." I don't think she was too worried :P

In other news, per my therapist saying I should try to get insured with Kaiser, I messaged my doctor last night with the instructions she gave me to say. That did no good, as the doctor said she couldn't do anything and I was going to have to call Mental Health. DON'T MAKE ME FUCKING USE A PHONE, PEOPLE. So alas, I had to do intake phone calls and I have to do an intake (online, thank god) interview to see if I need meds or ADHD diagnosis or whatever for 45 minutes before I can get to the point where I find out if they'll let me see Rachel or not. Sigh. Oh well, at least it's booked tomorrow and not like, December 2022. I was all "oh, just general variety life issues/anxiety/depression, no I'm not suicidal or doing a bunch of drugs."

Also, I guess the first day of school for everyone in town was yesterday (I knew when Rae was starting but frankly, haven't paid attention to anyone else and my coworkers haven't mentioned it...probably because the meeting yesterday got canceled) and the education reporter at the town newspaper posted a list of who got Covid that day and how many got quarantined. Honestly, almost every school was 0 or 1 for who got it, except for one school that somehow had 5 kids get it and 50 quarantined. I read all of this and thought, "Hey, that's doing really good," because I've seen tons of first week horror story articles in the last week, thank you Then thought, "oh, that's for the first DAY, not the first week," and then thought 'Still good these days." Some people made sad faces, one other person agreed with me.

Other than that, more reading, more crocheting outside. I'm really enjoying the coat I'm working on.

I went back to attempting to watch Titanic: The Musical online. Whoever wrote this thing is super enjoying throwing in irony lines, like wanting this maiden voyage to be memorable. Some guy's car breaks down and he misses the ship and he whines about missing it. "I told everyone I was crossing on the Titanic! What am I gonna tell 'em now?" THAT YOU SURVIVED, BUDDY! "I'll be the laughingstock of Poughkeepsie!" he yells. "If that isn't the story of my entire goddamned life." Dude, your nickname is gonna be LUCKY for the rest of your life after this! LOLirony. Then in the next scene, "It's the maiden voyage that creates news, dammit, and I want this one to create a legend!" YOU GOT YER WISH....

"Titanic is sinking, Mr. Ismay." "That's ridiculous! God himself couldn't sink this ship!" "Are we in danger?" "Danger? On this ship?" (runs away) But captain's orders to put on your liflebelts! 'It's a mere formality, there is no cause for concern."

I feel like the only part in it that's interesting plus gets a little more play is Alice, the 2nd class gossipy woman who keeps scoping out the rich people. "I want to make sure we're on the same lifeboat as the Astors!" is an actual line from this. The three 3rd class Irish Kate M's (and one of them suddenly getting a beau while pregnant) gets the next amount of plot. I suddenly perked up when one guy tells a lady to tell his sister he was on the ship, because he's a famous cardshark there under a fake name.

On telling your wives you'll see them later when you're going to die: "Mine actually believed it. Of course, she's only 19." Gaaaaah, John Jacob Astor. "You fancy a hand of 2 handed stud to pass the time? I warn you, I cheat." "I'm not going to pay you anyway." "Save your breath." "What for?" "A glass of champagne?" "What, you think we have something to celebrate?"

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