Chaos Attraction


2021-08-27, 11:18 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Your Timing Stinks - 2021-09-01
Actual Emotional Clearing - 2021-08-31
Cancellations - 2021-08-30
Covid Scare 2 - 2021-08-29
Close Call - 2021-08-28


Cast list as of November 2019

Today's news: one of the guys "after discussion with his family" has dropped out of Camelot. He's one of the more "extra" guys (i.e. not a lot of alone lines) and was Dannette's dance partner, so I guess that makes something with that slightly easier. They are also going to film the show tonight....MIGHT AS WELL SINCE WHO KNOWS IF YOU EVER WILL BE ABLE TO OTHERWISE.

Work: about the same, pretty quiet, got fed up on the weird emails and only got through so much of that, international clientele driving me crazy again, etc. I got my second Covid test and did a little better at the spit test this time.

I had the therapy assessment after work and that did not go great. Well, that depends on how you look at it: I'm "subclinical" which means she can't diagnose me with anything. Which I am perfectly fine with, mind you, because I don't WANT to be diagnosed with anything/put on medication, etc. but apparently that means that Kaiser won't pay for my therapy either. I wasn't quite expecting that to be the result of this, but it figures, doesn't it? I just have anxiety but not enough of a problem of it.

Time for me to give up therapy and go it alone, apparently. It's a sign. I told my therapist and she apologized and said she should have coached me, and I said "well, it sounds like they were going to look for any reason to deny me anyway." Like I should have been openly suicidal, cutting, drug addicted or something here really, except I'm afraid of what happens if you tell someone you are OPENLY suicidal. Or "I have a plan," which I do not.

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