Chaos Attraction

Back In The Office Again, Sigh

2021-09-02, 11:24 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
I Don't Have Glaucoma - 2021-09-07
I Have No Good Title Again - 2021-09-06
It's All Uncomfortable - 2021-09-05
Off Color - 2021-09-04
I'm So Out Of It - 2021-09-03


Cast list as of November 2019

I didn't sleep at all last night. Of course not. I felt "too hot, too cold" like, all at the same time all night long. Not a fever, just....I dunno. Body refused to lose consciousness.

I had to go into the office today and it was mostly pointless. No younger employees until later in the day, I didn't see anyone but Grandboss until around lunch. Dead quiet and dark. Mostly I just tried to set up the computer and setting up the email in particular was a pain that got my boss (via zoom) and grandboss (IRL) tag-teaming and making me download stuff. Meanwhile I tried to log into my various shipping websites, they refused to let me in, the hell? I spent a lot of time grumbling to Hope about how this felt very pointless to come in here when I couldn't do as much stuff and I only had four Important Documents to mail anyway.

I did meet a new internet friend (on the Yarn Club mailing list) for lunch today, that went well. She's also into theater, so I told her about my theater experiences.

Finally talked to Jackie and ah....she talked me into going to the party. Everyone's vaccinated, we'll have booster shots by then, etc.

Back to watching Lucifer with Jess and Mike and snarking away!

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