Chaos Attraction

It's All Uncomfortable

2021-09-05, 11:26 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
More Phones Again - 2021-09-10
Starting Mary Poppins - 2021-09-09
Sir - 2021-09-08
I Don't Have Glaucoma - 2021-09-07
I Have No Good Title Again - 2021-09-06


Cast list as of November 2019

I don't have much I feel like saying about today. Kelly canceled on the meeting with Shanna, being all "let's postpone until after the 21st." I went to Target. I made pasta salad. I did the Lucifer hangout with Jess and Mike again, which was great. I wrote some book reviews and crocheted.

And I had a super uncomfortable conversation with Meg (and company) at collage club which I do not feel like talking about, other than out of nowhere she yelled "I know why your coven dumped you! It's because you won't let anybody in!" and it was a whole thing.

I am really sick of being told I can't find love until I am happy and love myself, though. Really tired of that shit.

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