Chaos Attraction

Tech Week Continues

2021-09-14, 11:37 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Hell Day - 2021-09-20
The Crooked Mirror - 2021-09-19
MIss Lark At The Bank - 2021-09-18
Mary Poppins, Night 1 - 2021-09-17
HAMILTON - 2021-09-16


Cast list as of November 2019

Tuesday: I had a day off, which was nice. I didn't do that much. I went to my favorite fancy used clothing store and bought two more pairs of butterfly wings (I note I already had a pair from them from years ago), because I saw a girl at a Renfaire years ago who made a skirt out of them, as well as a rainbow ring. I also got "When Sorrows Come," as it came in today, and that was my afternoon reading that one.

I had therapy, which was interesting. She was all 'you're actually happy when not at work" and said that my previous asking for someone to love worked great...I just failed to spell out that he has to love me back. SHOULDN'T THAT BE A GIVEN?! And "Oh, you got love, it's just from your friends!" (Who I can't exactly have sleepovers with or get laid...sigh.) I don't know how blunt and honest

I was planning on asking Redhead Sarah to hang out on Saturday--I saw an event--but she said on her Facebook page that she's having all kinds of problems right now (migraine, meltdowns) and NEVER BLOODY MIND ON ASKING. Why fucking bother to ask anyone to do anything.

Mary Poppins Tech Week, Day Three went about the same....a bunch of cues still not fixed (I think one got fixed? Why am I making these notes?). Don was working on the mics and kept having problems there too. There's only five people in the orchestra and I guess the piano wasn't plugged in(!) and generally they could not be heard. They didn't bother with dealing with the flying during this rehearsal. Rehearsal went until midnight, but actually finished the entire show, down to the dance number vows. I got some cues, I missed some cues, people kept asking me for blackouts that aren't in the list....sigh.

I did crack up when Jean was all "double up on your deodorant."

I am seriously wondering when Judah and Joe were substituted into the show. My impression from what I've heard is that the guy originally cast as Bert quit over the mask mandate, but that was at least a month ago. I'm guessing Brian quit more recently than that, but both guys are still on scripts right now and that's...kinda concerning?

Seriously, if y'all saw how tech weeks go, you'd be all "How the hell is this show gonna be ready by opening night?" and "you seriously get it all sorted out in a week?!"

I feel like my not-diagnosed-ADD is kicking in at times because I sort of start zoning out during periods where I don't have cue changes for pages and pages. I'm crocheting to stay alert, but sometimes I'm all "can I read this book for a few pages?" (Well, also, new book.)

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