Chaos Attraction

Qutting and Starting

2022--09-14, 9:32 p.m.

What a day. Got up too early to drive to Giant Org--specifically, the FAR side of Giant Org, near my old volunteer job rather than my own--figured out the new parking app and left my car in the "closest" parking lot to there. During lunch I went over to the Craft Center one last time, where Jared (manager, not Jared in theater) greeted me warmly and introduced me around to people as an instructor and volunteer...and I had to say, "I'm quitting today!" At least I didn't cry. I wanted to. He said I can come back home whenever I like, awwww.

I had to have him cut my locks off because hell if I know what the combinations are any more (those were in my gadgets 2 gadgets ago, I think). I ended up leaving all of my glass stuff out for free for anyone to take because I can't use that stuff at home and I'll probably never do glasswork again without the CC :( I did pack up all of the books and fabric stuff, which was 5 bags of crap and very heavy hauling for several blocks to the "nearest" parking lot. Then I had to drive to the other side of GiantOrg to switch my parking to the lot nearest to my office. I am still in shock I managed all of that in an hour, because that was squeaking it. I have no idea what to do with it all now, other than it's dumped in a corner of the living room until I have coping for it.

Other than that: in office day. Good news: this week's lost "Mystery Kristy" package turned up. Bad news: it turned up incredibly bent and I had to report it to get it replaced again. Good news: they are rushing it here tomorrow, bad news is I'm not in the rest of the week. Sigh. I also finished doing other tedious stuff, sat through a training, put off doing THE EMAILS one more day, etc. etc, waited for the day to end and stop dragging on. Can't wait to be at home during work hours the rest of the week.

After that, since I had my car with me, I could actually drive directly to the class instead of walking home, getting the car, and barely making it in time. They made a big deal about showing up to the class (or at least the first one) On Time, and I managed it early, huzzah! I paid for a class card for four classes (Felicia did same) and then we started class. Small class of people--4 others--and the instructor is nice. However, I'm the one total noob and apparently wasn't up to handling/getting it all, so she had me doing simpler moves in the back instead for most of it. Which, well, she did say the beginner class was at 4:30 and I couldn't do that one, and I am a total noob, and it's not like I'm not used to being worst in the class--it's just nice to have a reason for that that isn't "my body is inadequate and I just suck," for a change. We'll see how this goes in the future, anyway. Maybe years ago I should have done tapping instead of everything else I did (ballet, modern, jazz). At least that way I wouldn't be inadequate because I couldn't genetically kick my leg up to my ear.

After I got home, Jackie wanted to talk about her aunt lying to her (claiming she was going to Tahoe, turns out she was really going to Italy, Jackie politely called her out on this and her aunt reacted....poorly. She asked what I would do and I said I honestly just stop talking to people, but she can't in this situation, so.... yeah.

And after that, I finally had the night to myself, with alcohol, making an omelet, and watching Sandman. I'm tired this week, I really should do a little less stuff anyway.

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