Chaos Attraction


2021-09-16, 11:40 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Sick Day - 2021-09-21
Hell Day - 2021-09-20
The Crooked Mirror - 2021-09-19
MIss Lark At The Bank - 2021-09-18
Mary Poppins, Night 1 - 2021-09-17


Cast list as of November 2019

(a) I didn't have to go into the office Thursday, as Dianna came back. Yay. I spent half the morning in Zoom meetings and didn't get much done.

(b) I saw Hamilton! Mom was kinda cranky that day (sigh) and I'm not sure how much, if any of it, she understood, but she did say she listened to the soundtrack on her way home. Voluntarily!

I got my picture taken, I bought some merch (a shirt, a good quill, a fancy bag). I saw little girls all dressed up as the Schuyler sisters AND IT WAS ADORABLE.

A coworker of mine asked the next day which was better, movie or play and I was all "you know what? Pretty much the same except with different people." I will say that the guy playing Jefferson REALLY stood out in particular as being sassypants, he did an excellent job. I also enjoyed how Eliza really got choked up during "Burn." And when "The Reynolds Pamphlet" is being thrown around--in the original show they'd hand one to the conductor. I think the conductor in this one was a little far down, so they ask him, "Have you read this?" and he holds up a pamphlet he's already got instead. Good job. The guy playing Mulligan/Madison was doing more crying after "It's Quiet Uptown," enjoyed that too. I got a little choked up at Philip's death (Mom: "Is Philip going to die? Me: "Yes, it's foreshadowing.") but managed to not actually cry and thus snot up my mask, who needs that?

I enjoyed seeing the entire view of the show, noticing what's going on on the sidelines, the poses going on during "Hurricane" and what people are involved, during what scenes the Schuyler sisters are peeking out on from the upstairs balcony, etc.

It was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream, since 2015 at least.

(I really wanted to talk to Scott about it...but I didn't. No point anyway. I want to talk to the Scott of 2019 about it, lemme put it that way.)

(c) Mary Poppins, last week of tech night: still stressful. Steve was especially cranky and at one point broke a pencil (and threw it?) before stomping off for a bit and then later making a comment about how somebody (i.e. him) broke his pencil. After he huffed off, I quietly said "I want to go home." Don continued to have weird shit and problems go on with the mikes (as everyone's said, they were fine during Camelot....) and at one point even he was all "maybe they should get someone else to do the sound." I hear ya. I realize obviously they don't have anyone else to do it if we are, and I'm not gonna be a dick and quit and screw people over. I get that everyone's losing it.

(That said, I was relieved that Steve was out in the audience watching all night.)

Well, at least some cues got fixed/added (even though Kimmie still wants more blackouts). I think it's pretty...bad that she keeps asking and asking and she's also asking for "blues" to be turned on backstage so they can see to do the set changes during the blackouts, as I guess someone almost got hurt doing it. GOD, I HOPE THEY GET THAT DONE BEFORE TONIGHT. I have been putting in Post-It notes every time she asks me to make a note and Steve was all "what are these Post-It notes for?" and I said "Kimmie asked me to leave notes" and he was all "I don't need these!" and I'm all "fine, take 'em out, then." Whatever.

So yeah, I dunno on doing tech again in the future. I'm not going to make a final judgement until this is over, mind you, and I gather MP is more stressful than the usual, but still.

Random fun thing: the bios for the cast went up in the lobby. Joe had a reference to hanging up his crown after 20 months of Camelot, and Django (the kid playing Michael) has a wee bit of a 'stashe," and he enthusiastically said he wanted to make sure he didn't end up with....well, you know, a pedo mustache...? Also, like many of us, he hasn't seen Joe without his mask much and like me, kept forgetting he has a mustache under there. Unlike me, Django thought it was a fake mustache for the show and said so! LOL! I like this kid, would be happy to be interacting with him in a show again.

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