Chaos Attraction


2021-09-24, 11:49 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Drunk On My Patio - 2021-09-29
My First Singing Audition - 2021-09-28
Working On Staffing - 2021-09-27
Anyone With A Penis Gets In - 2021-09-26
Renaissance Faire Is Back - 2021-09-25


Cast list as of November 2019

Today was a good day at work!

My landline worked, but my boss gave me the 2-3 p.m shift and oddly enough, I only got 3 calls. I even got through most of my emails during that.
They were so short staffed (again) that they closed the front counter. During THIS week, which is SAYING SOMETHING.
I probably mailed at least 100+ Important Documents. I got through almost the entire pile of labels today, Grandboss said she'd do the rest on Saturday.
I got ONE printer to work, so I printed out the stuff I needed for my audition, in addition to work stuff. Huzzah.
I met Hope in person for the first time.
Other than my frantic mailing for almost all of the day, it was a chill day! Huzzah!
Mary Poppins, Night 4: I did great! No major fuckups!!!! Only took over a week to learn! Less mics were out (though Judah's was somehow on at times so we heard him saying something or other backstage, never did figure out what).

I note that everyone on comms declared the toy scene "creepy." Seriously, it's my least favorite thing in this musical. I agree that being jerks who abuse your toys is pretty crappy and they definitely deserve to have the toys stomp out the window and leave at the end of it, but the whole "playing the game" song is slow and creepy and doesn't make much sense. Uck.

One major moment tonight: Steve (presumably down in the office, I guess) totally forgot to come up here and use the giant spotlight on Mary Poppins's first entrance, so that was totally in the dark. Not my fault, but I did find it slightly amusing to turn on the light cue for when she lands and everyone does this giant "jump, there she is!" moment. Which makes more sense because the woman LITERALLY SOMEHOW FLEW INTO YOUR PARLOR, after all. Kimmie asked where he was (heck if I know) and then said Steve came backstage all hangdog and put out his hand to be slapped. Kimmie was all "we all make a mistake once. Next time we kick his ass," and I admit we were snickering and I said, "Ask him 'what happened?!?!'" Had I seen him up close again that night I would have done a bit of razzing!

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