Chaos Attraction

Another Tedious Entry About The Gym

2006-09-25, 3:18 p.m.

Everything here runs on the quarter schedule, including the gym. Summer school finished up on the 15th and regular school doesn't officially start until around the end of this week, so there's a 2-week break in the schedule.

At the gym, this means they have a different slate of classes scheduled, which is something I always enjoy because it seems like the only fucking time they will schedule a weightlifting class past 5 p.m. is on break time. (I get to do weights tonight! Yesssss!)

I've learned a few things about how to overcome Gym Inertia, or at least, how to get yourself to work out. I have learned to:

(a) go to the gym RIGHT AFTER WORK. Do not pass go, do not collect dinner, do not run home (trust me, you won't leave) unless you forget your gym shoes and the bus schedule works out so that you can leave very quickly to go back to the gym. If you forgot socks, go buy some damn socks in the pro shop, because you won't come back to the gym if you go home for socks.
(b) STAY at the gym while you wait for classes. Do not pass go, do not go out to collect dinner thinking that you will come back in if you leave for an hour. Go work out while you wait for classes, and if you have to wait for longer than an hour's workout, bring stuff to do. Do not go home.

Basically, if I give myself an opportunity to go home, get food, get comfy- I will lose all momentum to go work out. As long as I stay in the gym building, I will get my workouts done. But given rules a and b, it means that I end up spending like 3-4 hours a day in the dang gym and only 2 of those are involving working out, it seems.

During the normal gym schedule, they tend to schedule the "good" classes (i.e. weights) starting around 5 p.m., when I can't get there until after the class starts, and then the 6 p.m.-ish slot is usually filled up with something I hate like yoga. So when I want to take classes, it usually means I'm waiting around till like 7:30 for a class to start, and I don't get home till 9ish. Hell, this quarter I was there till 9:45 once a week because the dance class I wanted to take wasn't running till 8:45.

What's really nice about break schedule this time is that they haven't scheduled any classes past 7ish, and good classes are actually being offered at 6:30. So I'm out of the gym and home by 8 p.m. I am so not used to having an extra hour's free time to be home at night. Mostly I've uh, been enjoying the new laptop...and getting through my Netflix a bit faster than usual...and checking out the new TV season before the work week is over and I'm watching it all recorded. Too bad this state of affairs won't last.

They STILL have yet to put out the fall gym schedule. (Which is pretty stupid considering that they have put out the damn Campus Rec catalog, which even has the CC class schedule, and yet they can't put the gym one in there.) I suspect that even if they are offering twice the classes (for lots more money) than they were before, they'll still have godawful scheduling and I still won't get home until late.

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