Chaos Attraction

Working On Staffing

2021-09-27, 11:54 a.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Steve Standup Comedy Hour - 2021-10-02
The Recurring Cue - 2021-10-01
Didn't Make It In - 2021-09-30
Drunk On My Patio - 2021-09-29
My First Singing Audition - 2021-09-28


Cast list as of November 2019

News at work:
(a) Our front counter is STILL closed this week due to lack of staff. And by "this week" it actually means "indefinitely." I've had to tell like five people so far that NOPE, YOU CAN'T COME AND PICK IT UP. I really want to say "I have been trying to warn y'all that I suspected pickup wasn't a good option...."
(b) They are working on direct/temporary hiring two former staff members, hopefully ASAP, while they wait around indefinitely for permanent positions to open up.
(c) They are working on hiring FOURTEEN new part time/younger employees because we only have 16 right now and can't even function. "We hope to onboard in December."
(d) Grandboss did a lot of mailing and plans to do more this week, but a lot of them weren't even downloaded/printed GRRRRRRRRRR. I sent a polite letter of complaint about "ah...why did this not work?", vetted by my boss on that.
(e) Sadly, my phone mysteriously works again, so guess what I had to do. At least it was in the last hour of the day and only for an hour (ish).

Karaoke: not that many people there tonight, but Redhead Sarah did come after I was all emo at her on FB. So even though she didn't have super amounts of time in between kid and dog wrangling, we did get to talk a bit about how I am feeling angsty, possible hangouts, etc. She was interested in the show Ashley and I are auditioning for, though I don't know if she could do the childcare enough for rehearsals. I ordered a shirt that she showed me on Etsy and it came today, so I showed her that, yay. She has a ....brand new 52-year-old judge boyfriend (yes, she's open about her daddy issues) and ah, that's going well for the brief period of time that's been going on...well, fingers crossed on that. Anyway, that was very sweet. I love how there's someone I can actually talk to about this shit--when I can grab her, anyway.

Ashley and I hung out otherwise, did a lot of songs (mostly musicals), drove her home.

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