Chaos Attraction

Didn't Make It In

2021-09-30, 12:00 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Booster Shot Day - 2021-10-05
You Could Have Just Googled For That - 2021-10-04
Snarking Over Comms - 2021-10-03
Steve Standup Comedy Hour - 2021-10-02
The Recurring Cue - 2021-10-01


Cast list as of November 2019

Work at the office today:

(a) I had to order more Important Documents today. This took hours, and then the program broke, and then I had to do it all over again several more times because I discovered that a bunch of Important Documents were either missing or damaged. I looked SO worn out and frazzled on Zoom today, y'all. Like I was going to keel over. I also got the maskne.

(b) When not doing that, I spent most of the day mailing Important Documents, both nationally and internationally. I have finally cleared out the pile. I didn't know what to do with myself after finally finishing circa 3-ish. I didn't do a whole lot other than clearing out my queues and emails.

(c) The printer drives got fixed, at least! So there's that! I have been able to print all my covid/vaccine/testing documents!

(d) I also had to log into the phones but not actually answer them unless they got busy, which thankfully they weren't doing at 2 p.m. and more staff were moved around. Huzzah.

(e) Found out Lioness has to have surgery in mid-October and of course, will be out for weeks. My boss was all, we try to get ahead and then...anyway, HR is literally holding up all hiring because THEY are so short staffed and Giant Org doesn't even have temps any more! We can't get temps and HR can't get temps!

Okay, so let me take a poll here about today's awful work situation: I received after 4 p.m. yesterday several orders for replacement Important Documents to be mailed to Countries That Definitely Will Not Receive Mail. One of them being The Black Hole of Mail Country that 95% of these things go to, and two of them being the country my friend Melinda used to work in, and she told me, "I just told people not to mail me anything there the entire 2 years." I emailed them all immediately warning them that the ID's are pretty much guaranteed to be lost in the mail unless they change how they mail them (i.e. pay for tracking). They have all paid money for these things and it will be utterly wasted.

Of course, none of them saw this/responded in time because they had a whopping sixteen hours to read their international email. So Hope and I had a big ol' (polite and reasonable, I note) debate on whether or not it was ethical to not order the documents on this monthly reorder and wait to do them on the next reorder/give them time to read their email and take action to save the preciouses.

She was all "I'd be mad if you didn't order it since I paid my money and got it in on time and I had to wait another month for it to be ordered," and I was all "I'd be pissed if I paid my money and you ordered it KNOWING it was going to be lost and that I didn't get an opportunity to save it from being lost." I note that NO MATTER WHAT, they will not be holding their Important Documents in their hands in their home countries next month. If it's ordered, it's wasted and gone, if I hold onto it until they respond, at least it'd be likely to arrive in November. My boss was basically all "this situation sucks, but order them." Sigh. So that's three more of these things wasted. I don't look forward to the "Oh noooooooooes, my precious!" emails I'll probably get tomorrow. I brought up to my boss that we need to have more warnings on our website about international mail, which the reordering people probably see, but who knows if that'll ever happen in our current state of disaster. We don't even have time to make anything less horrible.

But other than being tired (like "hm, going to bed at 7:30 sounds reasonable" level of tired) and starving when I got home, I wasn't fuming mad all day like I was yesterday, so there's that. I also read a delightful book today, "My Lady Jane."

I did not get into the concert show. The rejection email was the nicest one I've ever received, saying that they had to limit the number of people (i.e. I don't have a soloist voice) and to try to audition for things again in the future. We'll see. Ashley didn't get in either but wants to audition for more things.

But...I felt like it was a thing I manifested. Perfect rehearsal schedule! Not Mondays! Easy going! And I had been imagining what it would be like to be in the show, and now it's not my future. .... reminds me of Scott, actually, sigh.

Rae wants to hang out on Saturday. I was hoping to hang out with Redhead Sarah and was going to ask her, but....well, Rae will actually show up and do things and it's more likely than not that Sarah will/would flake if I prioritized her, so....yeah, gonna prioritize Rae since she actually asked.

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