Chaos Attraction

Theater Flood

2022-10-01, 8:30 p.m.

Rabbit rabbit.

This morning I went to Lambtown and spent somewhat to slightly less than I did at Stitches: replaced my Hamilton knitting magnet, got a "I see yarn in your future" sticker, got a few free knitting magazines, two packs of tiny yarn samples that are very cute and pretty, and a rainbow shawl kit--not my usual thing, but I liked it a lot. I kinda felt bad I didn't invite anyone to go with me (Ashley said as much when she called me, then realized she had to work and she'd rather spend her recent poker winnings on a Belle dress), but I didn't plan on staying all that long, so fine. I'm tired anyway. I didn't run into anyone I know, which was weird. I did reference my picture of what I bought at Stitches so I didn't re-buy several colors of yarn again like I would have, so GO ME there. I wore my fingering yarn dress and people really liked it, so yay.

Then I went to the grocery store, got gas, talked to Ashley, went home and cried, drank and ate, and watched She-Hulk, and cried during She-Hulk,. Y'know, the usual in life. (If you watch episode 7, you can probably figure out why this suddenly became relevant to my interests.)

Show: Scott and I drove in and arrived at the same time--I tried to take a long time getting my stuff out of my car, but he apparently did same, sigh.

We got a pre-show before the show when Jillian, Sage, and Maya started doing the napkin dance from BOG and then Omar jumped in. ADORABLE. Jared was filming it. I don't know whenever he updates his YouTube, but I look forward to the B&tB stuff he's filming.

Rachelle said her son claimed he was never going to go to the bathroom again. Uh-huh. She said as a kid her dad lectured everyone and did a "field trip" to the bathroom to prove that it takes 4.5 seconds to change the TP roll, and she was all "are you sure you're not the actor in this scenario?"

This show, we ran into some trouble. First, one of the two ladies' room toilets went out, then the backstage bathrooms all started flooding. Then the giant public bathrooms started flooding. Elissa (who has had home floods too) was all "Are you going to turn off the water?" and got the usual "WE'RE HANDLING IT!" sort of snappage.... I think it took an hour for them to actually shut off the water and both of us were quietly all "Um....shoulda done that sooner...." because it did leak through the ladies' dressing room wall enough to soak through Elissa's clothes stash under the counter. (They have a drier in here, at least.) I asked Other Steve (Maurice) if the men's had the same problem and he said you could see it through the wall but nobody had any stuff over there. I still kinda wonder if they need to call ServPro over it, but not my business.

Of course, this led to a lot of Urinetown jokes and songs in the ladies' dressing room and people saying this would have been perfect for THAT show. Julia: "I'm good at digging holes." Sarah: "Keeping the last weekend interesting." Julia noted that due to where her mic is located on the back of her shorts, she has to ask permission to pee anyway.

Meanwhile Elissa was having a crap day, between the flooding and her recent ex showing up at the show. I bodyguarded her after the show until her parents came, but apparently the ex texted to say he'd be at her car and that had to be dealt with. Not a good day for her.

Anyway, everyone had to either hold it or not flush, and Steve had to announce at intermission that we had a problem. (Elissa said the theater smelled like pee after the show, thankfully my nose had keeled over and died.) He called seven plumbers before finding an actual 24-hour one, who came in at intermission and in the plumbing. Rocks, you say? Apparently this happened before when GiantOrg was doing some construction in the area and the same thing happened in 2021 when they reopened the theater. I guess more rocks got in. Thankfully, this got fixed by the end of the night, because I was seriously wondering if they'd have to cancel Sunday (which is OFFICIALLY SOLD OUT with waiting list) over flooding.

Quotes from the dressing room:

Sarah on Belle: "Steve's right, she scares easily."

Maya doesn't want to grow up. Sarah: "Don't grow up, it's a trap."

Is the "Scottish play" thing an actual curse? Sarah said one time she heard someone say it 13 times backstage and "it was our best performance." Jillian knocked on my fork to thwart any bad luck from this conversation. Annie: "My leg's already messed up, how much worse can it get? You know what I don't believe in? BREAK A LEG." Jan said that Ben (Noel's husband) once when they were outside, said he didn't believe in the curse and jumped up and down on the sidewalk saying it....and then Dannette got covid.

Jan: "I keep trying to get fired from here."

During the show, we started stacking our mugs up a la Medieval Jenga during the bar scene. We should have been doing that all along, that was great. Someone was holding up a "Hi Omar!" sign in the audience, which several of us saw, but Omar did not.

Lindsay (Evita) and Evie were there tonight, which was a delight. Evie is as mischievous and charming as ever. They have moved to Grass Valley (sigh) but seem to be doing well there. Also, GV is awesome.

Also there were Scott's parents (again) and his best friend Lewis and his wife (I didn't talk to them, they barely met me once so I didn't bug 'em). Did talk to his parents while he was still around--kept waiting around but, y'know, oh well. They start moving next week.

After that, we DID have the stir-fry cast party after all. Amy brought us a bunch of plans (mostly succulents) to take home, so plant shopping occurred. I got a couple of tiny flowery ones. Boris was trying to recruit sopranos for Christmas Carol and got no takers. Sierra is dying to, but her mom threatened to stop paying for her wedding if she did a 5th show in a row. Poor girl. "I will give you her phone number if you want to try!"

Mostly I ended up talking to Sierra/Rachele/Scott (yeah, he was around kind of a lot...yeah, that happened...) about future auditions. He's considering Treasure Island at Woodland, I said I have a few planned but probably won't get in and people have told me I won't, so oh well. Everyone is SUPER PUMPED FOR SWEENEY TODD and I don't get why? Like I keep postponing watching it because I am 90% sure I will not like it and most likely will hate it, but everyone is SUPER PSYCHED. There was discussion of whether or not there will be a "splash zone," some people said "nah, they'd never do that mess," and I said, "I'm pretty sure I heard Steve say yes, he wants one," and then we confirmed that with Steve, who lights up at the idea. He also said it's--you guessed it, one where the ensemble is onstage the entire dang time--and they are treated like "human refuse." Greaaaaaaaaaat. Me: "Better or worse than Urinetown?" Him: "Worse. They lie all over the stage..." Me: "So did we in Urinetown." Him: "Yeah, but that was only at the beginning of the show...." Still not getting the appeal of this, guys? I fear I will end up in it anyway out of sheer lack of show desperation though?

Party wound up around midnight. I will admit that after hanging around Scott again...that helped, SIGH. Geez, I shouldn't be doing that, but cutoff day starts after tomorrow, so.

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