Chaos Attraction

Robin Hood Cast Party

2020-10-25, 7:57 p.m.

Every time I get groceries, I'm surprised at what's gone. Like I couldn't get any ramen a month and a half ago and I still can't get ramen today, apparently. Butternut squash stuff is available again, though, and that's been gone since the beginning. Go figure. Guy came about 12:45 and all was well. Huzzah.

Other than that, I walked around the house for 90 minutes trying to memorize lines. I was outside for awhile reading "Peace Talks" until the upstairs neighbor broke out his pot and I had to worry about my lung safety, sigh. Later I went back out again. Kelly started a group text with me and Shanna. I have missed group texting.

Robert texted that he was going to watch last night's video, and there was some texting between me and him and me and Shanna about it. I haven't gotten through the whole thing, but so far the sound is working and I've been trying to download the video so I can save it/show to others. This was even worse trying to find ways to download a Twitch video than YouTube--lots of expired links, programs that Windows refused to let me install (grrrrrr) and the one program that worked only does about an hour at a time, slowly. Well, it got the first fifty minutes, at least.

The stream from last night is actually online and working so far?

Tonight we had the Robin Hood cast party and viewing of the movie.

Cameron dressed up--any excuse to, she said, and I wish I hadn't been wearing flannel to go outside in fall right before this. Ah well. Brunette Sarah showed up with no hat(!) and dressed as RBG, with weights.

Elizabeth reported back that they have had low cases in Steubenville and they did a socially distanced outside version of Two Gentlemen of Verona at her college, where she played an outlaw. She said they had two rehearsals and then started doing shows, which sounds crazy.

Those of us who had been/are still in the cast of The Miracle Worker are having rehearsals over Zoom once a month and will do the show....whenever, tentatively scheduled for March.

News about the show: * Linda called it "a pretty damn good movie," it's an hour and 14 minutes. They made a trailer for it, which we were shown. It starts out with "IN A WORLD...." and is narrated by Linda's nephew. "Where bad guys are bad" "and good guys are good" "and all are well fed" and "aren't you glad they can all sing?" Linda was all "We want this to go viral, right?" and some of us had our eyes bugging out at this idea.

Snark from the chat while watching it: Me: "Good ol' Robin, picking fights with everyone in the forest."

Bridget: "Love the Burger King crown!" Cameron: "We should have gotten sponsored!"

Morgan sad she was glad she wasn't the only one reading the script off stage and Cameron and I said same.

Morgan: "Marion, the original feminist." Elizabeth: "Love the backup dancing Bridget!"

Alexis's Burger King crown (well, all crowns really) kept flickering in and out. Me: "I love the symbolism of the crown disappearing."

After Robin shows Marian all the horrors of Saxon mistreatment: "What can I say, I know how to take a lady on a nice date."

Me: "I admire the script's honesty: the plot's not so hot."

I love how almost all of the archers have no costumes at all and Alexis was all oops, I accidentally shot my brother's tennis shoes in the scene. And I still love the arrow-throwing scene.

Me: "I love watching a guy beat himself up" (on Robin Hood being caught).

There was commentary on how Alan's vest somehow kept picking up the backdrop. "Techno vest" and "camouflage." His mandolin sometimes lost its head as well.

I think the Tuck song is probably my best one in here. Watching Tuck suffer in his outfits is amusing (I didn't get to watch it too closely while singing).

I actually liked how they did the rescue scene, which we just filmed with cameras off and read lines vocally. They had some pretty background scenes that looked very Hogwarts (public domain, Mark said) to play them over. Nice. Cameron: "Oh, I remember this scene! My hair looks great in this one!"

Me: "King John, always thinking with his crown." Alexis: "When it shows up on screen." Me: "It's symbolism to have it disappear! It's a metaphor or karma or something!"

Bridget on her own dancing: "Egads, it's painful to watch."

Me having like 15 seconds of a giant closeup is ridiculous, really (on "the king is back").

Sarah's abbot is never not funny.

Me: "Poor John, about to get what he wants and he's STILL pouting. Love the abbot's subtle creeping out in shame." Morgan: "And the golden arrow and Alan's mandolin as weapons."

Morgan: "Can't have a melodrama without music."

I noticed that the credits had some names misspelled and Linda said they'd correct that before it goes online publicly but they won't correct it on the private link.
"We did the best we could with what we had, it still worked." -Linda.
"I keep laughing at the same things so it means it's really good." -Mark
"There are parts I just don't get tired of watching at all." -Linda
Linda said they also did a "making of" video about the writing of the play and I guess they recorded Germaine giving a history lesson, not sure if they will put it online or not. They said they'd put up the video for 3 weeks because a limited time gets people to watch it, but they may just leave it up.

Linda sent in a promo article to my town newspaper. She also sent out the trailer and the private link, which I sent out to certain people ASAP Just In Case.

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