Chaos Attraction

Scammy Situation

2021-10-12, 6:14 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
"Strong Energy" - 2021-10-17
HAMILTON 2 - 2021-10-16
Another Baby Yoda Day - 2021-10-15
Lost Mail 5 - 2021-10-14
Lost Mail 4 - 2021-10-13


Cast list as of November 2019

Ugh, I am dealing with a super scammy situation at work. I'll try to keep it vague: person wants X and has been gone from here for a few years. People above person are demanding that we "just key it." However, it turns out that person needs to pay (large amount of money) to get X if they want it done for (recent time period). They were warned about this A MONTH AGO by my coworker and then proceeded to do nothing about the situation, and now it's DIRE ON FIRE DEADLINE EMERGENCY RIGHT NOW about it.

When my boss was all "they need to pay large amount of money and get official permission to do that during the time period you asked for," then they are all "Let's be a weasel about it and ask for X to be done during the last time they were here so it's free!" Great ingenuity with that one, except they also sent us a LONG email chain of evidence obviously proving that person did all this stuff during (less recent time period, but still after the last time they were here). Boss was all "well, according to your email chain, person was doing X during (less recent time period), which means they still owe money, just (medium amount of expensive) if they want that. Is person willing to pay (medium amount) for this to happen?" and now they are all far as I can tell, now claiming "oh, this big shot says they DID finish during (time period person was last here!)" and I'm all "um, at this point this is sounding like a big ol' lie here."

I don't really give a shit if the person pays or not, but the entire scammy attitude of it all is really annoying me, especially since this is coming from someone I liked before and frankly, didn't think was gonna endorse the scammy. Though it seems like they are getting pressured to by everyone else. At this point I'm all " at this point you're making it obvious that you're lying....Ugh, this makes me feel dirty, we can't even pretend it's plausible at this point." But I know damn well they are going to get away with it. I said that and my boss is all "no, they don't" and ah...I would bet you that within the next hour they get away with it (I say this while writing during lunch) and are allowed to, because everyone wants person to get X. Except we have to follow the rules and if we "just key X" it triggers financial stuff going off and they've made it clear that at this point they are lying and ARRRRRRGH Y'ALL ARE STUPID.

Later: HAHAHAHAHAHA, Grandboss chimed in and utterly shut this down. Was all "I looked at the bylaws and this isn't allowed," and "I notice that the big shot you are citing wasn't included in this email chain" and "It's too late to make these changes now." MUAHAHAHAHAHAH. So far no word from the person trying to get us to do this, but...squish

In other news, therapy got canceled again today (sigh). I was really looking forward to it. I heard back from Robert--some vague "might be able to, we'll see" stuff, but he said he was busy Halloween weekend. I thought, does Redhead Sarah know that?

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