Chaos Attraction

Strike Drama

2022-11-18, 9:34 p.m.

I didn't go into the office today, but I was told they heard a rumor of a sit-in in the building (I'm sure everyone was all "NOT AGAIN," I heard it was a real lulu when it happened before we moved in), so the building was locked all day and employees were allowed to go back home (to work again) at 2. My coworker Vicky was the in-house one today and she did all the in-house stuff before departing, god bless her, including dealing with the guy from yesterday.

I heard from my on-strike friend and it sounds like she's having a good time doing the cooking for a thousand people. I asked where the protesters went yesterday and she said she didn't know, wandering around or something, heard they were having a sit-in elsewhere. (She didn't go in person today.) Per email, GiantOrg would like us all to know that it has no input with regards to anything anyone is striking about. This does not surprise me. The enormous org over Giant Org pointed out that they can't afford several hundred million dollars to pay enough to house anyone in the state. I...really don't know on that one. The bigger the money amounts get, the more I don't know whether or not to believe the organization that always cries poor vs. the people striking who are all "Look at our financial webpage! They could totally afford it!"

I got politely told (god bless New Boss for being nice about it) that we are NOT allowed to ever limit a student's shipping options and I am not allowed to discourage or shut down anyone from using UPS, not even temporarily. groan Good lord, not even for a few days until I get some mail confirmation? They said I'll have to walk them all down to the UPS store. Which, fine, but I don't think it was wrong to have the idea (note: per the vendor) put on hold for a bit until I hear from mail services (so far, no). I also note that our incoming package still hasn't been delivered there yet. eye-roll GOD I HATE UPS. Like, seriously, I bet it's just in the next town over in a warehouse, you can't drive it over? As long as I get it circa Monday or at least Wednesday it doesn't super matter, but I don't trust UPS worth a damn, so. Old/Grandboss (ugh, I don't know what to call her now) will be out M/W, so I told her if it comes in I'll just go get it that day and she can get it T when she's in.

I note that NewBoss just returned from Florida, but will work from home Friday and Monday and otherwise quarantine herself/test just in case. Kudos to her for this.

Oh, and spring graduation in town will be held in Sacramento, as originally planned circa the late 2010's or whatever. Or at least they announced that they are negotiating for Golden 1 but it doesn't sound secured yet? Maybe don't announce that and jinx it? They finally posted the survey results and notable things:

(a) It's pretty much a tie between "I want to graduate with my major" and "I want to just be in the most convenient ceremony I can do." (b) Bigger venue = more guests = got more votes, but otherwise pretty even between "out of town" vs. "here." (c) And here's the part I wanted to read about, which is most important to graduates. the top result was "crossing the stage," followed by "social media photography opportunities," and everything else was 10% or less. "Hearing remarks from student speakers" was 8% and hearing remarks from outside guest speakers (what the administration wanted) was 5%. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH TOLD YOU NOBODY CARES ABOUT THE BORING PRESTIGIOUS SPEAKERS JUST GIMME THE STAGE BITCHES!!!!

In other news, Kelly, well, it's a pain in the ass for her to deal with my being three time zones away and she's refilming plays I did with other people, all on the East Coast. I can't blame her for it whatsoever, but it's a bit of a bummer anyway. That said, Dana showed off that she has a SUPER UGLY TURKEY HEAD for this and it took awhile for people to notice this in the group chat and she was all "Did anyone notice?" I asked where the heck she got it from and Kelly was all, "oh, she had it around the house, as people do." And then Marge was all "I have one too" and I was all, SERIOUSLY PEOPLE JUST HAPPEN TO HAVE TURKEY HATS AROUND THE HOUSE.

Friday show: mostly okay, but "Dancing On Your Grave" went awry in several ways. Half the gravedigger dancers didn't make it onto the stage in time and I kept wondering where they were and what was going to happen with the shovel lift. The missing people came on again for that, but the lift didn't work, so they gave up on trying to do that one quickly. And finally, I forgot to take off my "doom buggy" robe to do the Old Joe scene, dammit. I spent the entire time offstage wrangling the wagon from one side of the stage to the other. Jan said essentially that hey, it worked for the character, and is there any way I can have the wagon pre-set? I said unfortunately no, there's no room. Oh well, I guess. Dammit.

Also, I guess something went wrong with Scrooge Scott's belt--Omar pulled on it too tight and I guess something went wrong costume-change-wise somewhere. Not sure where that was.

On the other hand, things have worked out that Virginia comes out with Don when he's playing the drunk, which gives him someone to drunkenly talk to during the scene (he's supposed to be two drunks, but we were short on people again). I liked it, plus her coming out later with him works because she wasn't making the costume change too quickly.

Some people were slightly sick (but not far...?), including Stacy (masked), Morgan, and Noel said she'd lost her voice for awhile but then again, she was singing all last week and teaching, so.

Quotes: Scrooge Scott on the kids' show: "They are bastions of future democracy."

Sage on the empty dressing room: "I can't wait to clutter it up again." Me too! Too bad we had to clean it up AGAIN for changeover again Friday night.

Cabaret was brought up, specifically how they have no extra guys to play sailors/men's ensemble/sing the Nazi song. Tomas and Hugo did it last time, but they're unavailable now. I presume Scott might be called, but I won't ask, of course.

Noel on potential sailors in Cabaret: "The dumber they look, the better it'll look." She said her husband never has to audition because as a guy, he gets in immediately. Sage, repeating some guy whose name I missed: "They'll just check if I'm breathing." GOD I HATE THAT.

Noel: "I've been a Kit Kat Girl" (in the 90's). "Nobody wants to see a 51-year-old Kit Kat Girl."

Noel insults people's intelligence, but in kind of a funny way? Like I can't blame her for commenting on her students not bothering to do their research paper for a month, or a teenage boy doing teenage boy things. But my favorite was on her husband getting salmonella and being sick for two weeks: "The big dummy, he ate cookie dough" when I told him not to. I said, "I enjoy how you talk smack." She said he's a nice man, but they've been married 23 years and after awhile you hate how someone chews. Felicia, nearby at the time, said her husband put bananas in the freezer....unpeeled. I thought, "I will never know what this is like."

Morgan on her hair: "It's not doing what it's supposed to do because it's clean."

On the Abundance and Charity dresses, which are...shall we say, loosely cut on the top. Other Jennifer: "Anyone else feel like they flash their entire cleavage when they bend over?" Morgan: "Yes!!!"

Sage: "My foot hasn't been the same since Fezziwig."

Oh yeah, and the shows for next year have been tentatively chosen and then they have to get all the licensing or whatever. I probably shouldn't say what before the official announcement, but it's a lot better slate than this lot, and one in particular I'd want to do and can do. There's only one on the list I categorically don't like, and people were shocked, shocked! that I did not like it. I said the one time I saw it it was so bad we left halfway through--but maybe it was the lead sucking? I dunno. Oh well, don't have to be in it. I will note that one of the shows is one Scott would definitely be into and one both of us saw recently and separately...sigh. I did get amused at James groaning at one of the ah, older shows (I'll say it's one of the ones that have been famously redone on Broadway recently). Another one is Disney, another one is another traditional old one, and another one is a female-centric one. Jan said she likes to direct the serious ones and Steve likes to direct the comedy, but they haven't set directors yet.

I did hear from Redhead Sarah before the show, surprise, via text, saying her kids will be gone from Saturday to Saturday at her ex's and you wanna hang out? I don't know if this will happen because when I'm free, she's not, and vice versa--she said one of us was the moon and one of us was the sun, which seems accurate since she's going to work at 4 a.m. and I'm at shows. I offered her a ticket to Christmas Carol on Sunday since she was theoretically free to go after work then, but we'll see. She did mention wanting to go to other shows, I said I was letting Robert do the group planning on that. There was tentative "maybe we're both free Monday/Tuesday night"-ness, but I had to go onstage and that ended the text conversation and of course she didn't get back to me who knows there. I haven't seen her since April and who knows if I can ever manage it. That said, it'd be nice to talk to her about the whole Scott situation, sigh.

I am pretty sure the tap teacher went--it's hard to recognize someone when you've only seen still photos of their face online--with a kid. She didn't come by to say hi afterwards, which is a little disappointing. Either it was quite bad or the kid had to pee, I dunno. Won't see her for a few weeks, so I won't be asking. Others I knew in the audience: Rachele, Katrina.

Afterwards, we went out to IHOP--Dannette and her friend, Virginia and John, Jan and Scrooge Scott. I wasn't too thrilled with my strawberry crapes, so it was a good thing I wasn't starving. I was eyeing John's big ol' dessert pancakes and Scott's breakfast burrito, which I'd considered getting. Ah well. I told people about yarn and we talked about shows. Scrooge Scott said he directed "Tomfoolery" once.

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